New tROAS Insight Box for shopping campaigns in Google Ads

Google has introduced a new tROAS (target Return on Ad Spend) Insight Box for Performance Max and Standard Shopping campaigns, offering advertisers enhanced visibility into campaign performance.

Why it matters. This update provides ecommerce advertisers with a clearer understanding of their ROAS performance relative to their targets, potentially enabling more informed optimization decisions.

How it works.

  • Displays whether Actual ROAS falls within the expected range.
  • Shows weekly ROAS averages, including projected conversions.
  • Calculates typical variation based on historical campaign data.

Key features.

  • Visual graph of ROAS performance over time.
  • Indication of whether the campaign is on track to meet goals.
  • Inclusion of projected conversions in the analysis

    Why we care. This update essentially empowers advertisers to make more data-driven decisions about their tROAS strategies, potentially leading to improved campaign performance and more efficient use of ad spend.

    First spotted. This update was first seen on Thomas Eccel’s X post:

    The big picture. This tool acknowledges that while individual conversion values may fluctuate above or below the target, Google Ads aims to maintain overall conversion value per cost equal to the set target ROAS.

    What to watch. How this new insight box influences advertisers’ strategy for setting and adjusting tROAS in their shopping campaigns.

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About the author

Anu Adegbola

Anu Adegbola has been Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land since 2024. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media, video and more.

In 2008, Anu’s career started with

 delivering digital marketing campaigns (mostly but not exclusively Paid Search) by building strategies, maximising ROI, automating repetitive processes and bringing efficiency from every part of marketing departments through inspiring leadership both on agency, client and marketing tech side.


Outside editing Search Engine Land article she is the founder of PPC networking event – PPC Live, host of weekly podcast PPCChat Roundup, and brand evangelist at ClickTech. 


She is also an international speaker with some of the stages she has presented on being SMX (US), SMX (Munich), Friends of Search (Amsterdam), brightonSEO, The Marketing Meetup, HeroConf (PPC Hero), SearchLove, BiddableWorld, SESLondon, PPC Chat Live, AdWorld Experience (Bologna) and more.

Google Ads launches Cross-Media Reach Measurement for video campaigns

A new Google Ads tool – Cross-Media Reach Measurement – lets advertisers measure deduplicated, on-target reach and frequency across video campaigns.

Why it matters. This tool helps advertisers understand the efficiency of their YouTube video campaigns compared to TV, providing a comprehensive view of brand campaign performance.

Why we care. This tool essentially empowers advertisers to make more data-driven decisions, potentially leading to more effective branding campaigns and better use of advertising budgets across different media channels and over a long-term period.

How it works.

  • Aggregates and deduplicates reach and frequency across multiple campaigns
  • Shows total on-target reach for specific demographics
  • Measures unique reach across different devices, formats, sites, apps and networks

Key features.

  1. Digital Video Only report: Available globally, measures reach and frequency for Google Ads video campaigns
  2. Digital Video + Traditional TV report: Available in select countries, combines Google Ads metrics with third-party TV data

How to use it.

  • Access through the Measurement menu in Google Ads.
  • Select country and video campaigns (preferably with Target CPM bidding).
  • Generate reports for various age and gender groups over periods up to 92 days.

    The big picture. This tool aims to help advertisers optimize their advertising investments by providing insights into campaign planning and performance across digital and traditional media.

    What’s next. Advertisers can now use this tool to make more informed decisions about their video advertising strategies on YouTube and TV.

New on Search Engine Land

About the author

Anu Adegbola

Anu Adegbola has been Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land since 2024. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media, video and more.

In 2008, Anu’s career started with

 delivering digital marketing campaigns (mostly but not exclusively Paid Search) by building strategies, maximising ROI, automating repetitive processes and bringing efficiency from every part of marketing departments through inspiring leadership both on agency, client and marketing tech side.


Outside editing Search Engine Land article she is the founder of PPC networking event – PPC Live, host of weekly podcast PPCChat Roundup, and brand evangelist at ClickTech. 


She is also an international speaker with some of the stages she has presented on being SMX (US), SMX (Munich), Friends of Search (Amsterdam), brightonSEO, The Marketing Meetup, HeroConf (PPC Hero), SearchLove, BiddableWorld, SESLondon, PPC Chat Live, AdWorld Experience (Bologna) and more.

Google rolls out new shopping tools ahead of summer sales

Google is launching enhanced shopping features to help consumers navigate the upcoming summer sales season, responding to increased interest in online deals.

What’s new:

  1. Updated deals destination:
    • – Shows freshest deals from across retailers in a carousel
    • – Organizes promotions by product categories
    • – Available on mobile and desktop in the U.S.
  1. Membership price display:
    • – Shows regular prices alongside discounted costs for loyalty program members
    • – Currently available for retailers like BestBuy, Petco, and Minted
Screenshot 2024 06 24 At 20.50.52

Why we care. Retail advertisers might need to shift more focus towards promoting deals and special offers to appear in these new features.

Why it matters. With 44% of shoppers saying deal days prompt them to shop more than usual (according to Google/Ipsos Deal Days Survey), these tools aim to help consumers find the best discounts across retailers.

The big picture. These features leverage Google’s Shopping Graph, which contains 45 billion product listings, to provide a centralized shopping experience.

By the numbers.

  • Online searches for “deals” spike in mid-July, surpassing interest in “vacation”
  • 25% of people who regret purchases during big sales say it’s due to finding lower prices later

Between the lines. Google is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for deal-hunting, potentially increasing its importance in the e-commerce ecosystem.

New on Search Engine Land

About the author

Anu Adegbola

Anu Adegbola has been Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land since 2024. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media, video and more.

In 2008, Anu’s career started with

 delivering digital marketing campaigns (mostly but not exclusively Paid Search) by building strategies, maximising ROI, automating repetitive processes and bringing efficiency from every part of marketing departments through inspiring leadership both on agency, client and marketing tech side.


Outside editing Search Engine Land article she is the founder of PPC networking event – PPC Live, host of weekly podcast PPCChat Roundup, and brand evangelist at ClickTech. 


She is also an international speaker with some of the stages she has presented on being SMX (US), SMX (Munich), Friends of Search (Amsterdam), brightonSEO, The Marketing Meetup, HeroConf (PPC Hero), SearchLove, BiddableWorld, SESLondon, PPC Chat Live, AdWorld Experience (Bologna) and more.

Google automates lead credits for Local Services Ads

Google is rolling out automated Local Services Ads lead credits in July, streamlining the process for advertisers to receive credit for poor-quality leads.

Why it matters. This change aims to save time for advertisers and ensure more equitable distribution of ad credits, particularly benefiting those with limited resources. This will potentially affect advertisers’ budgets, lead quality and overall experience with the platform.

How it works:

  • Google’s machine learning models will automatically review all leads.
  • Invalid leads will be credited without manual disputes.
  • Credits typically are applied within 30 days.

The big picture. Since launching in 2017, Local Services Ads have evolved, but the manual dispute system has become challenging to scale and vulnerable to gaming. 

  • This automation addresses disparities in lead disputing practices among advertisers and aims to improve overall lead quality.

Key changes.

  • No more manual lead disputes are required.
  • “Job type not serviced” and “geo not serviced” leads will no longer be credited.
  • Overall, more leads are expected to be credited on average.

Exceptions. The system won’t apply to healthcare verticals or advertisers in EMEA.

What’s next. Advertisers are encouraged to provide feedback on every lead through the Lead Feedback survey to help improve future lead quality.

Between the lines. This shift reflects Google’s growing capability to use AI for quality control in its advertising products.

New on Search Engine Land

About the author

Anu Adegbola

Anu Adegbola has been Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land since 2024. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media, video and more.

In 2008, Anu’s career started with

 delivering digital marketing campaigns (mostly but not exclusively Paid Search) by building strategies, maximising ROI, automating repetitive processes and bringing efficiency from every part of marketing departments through inspiring leadership both on agency, client and marketing tech side.


Outside editing Search Engine Land article she is the founder of PPC networking event – PPC Live, host of weekly podcast PPCChat Roundup, and brand evangelist at ClickTech. 


She is also an international speaker with some of the stages she has presented on being SMX (US), SMX (Munich), Friends of Search (Amsterdam), brightonSEO, The Marketing Meetup, HeroConf (PPC Hero), SearchLove, BiddableWorld, SESLondon, PPC Chat Live, AdWorld Experience (Bologna) and more.

Google AI Overviews showing less often, with less Reddit, data shows

Google appears to have pulled back further on AI Overviews following well-earned criticism about its AI-generated answers giving users incorrect, misleading and dangerous answers.

Let’s dive into new findings from two separate SEO platforms:

  • SEOClarity looked at 2,700 keywords.
  • SERanking analyzed 100,000 keywords.

AI Overviews reduction. Google is showing AI Overviews less often, though the analyses disagree on the percentage. AI Overviews show for:

  • 8.71% of searches, according to SERanking. (Down from 64% – when it was still known as Search Generative Experience)
  • 7.6% of searches, according to SEOClarity. (Down from 17.4% observed May 14-30)

This reduction is not surprising – especially after Google responded to criticism and explained how it would improve AI Overviews on May 30.

Citations. Reddit’s visibility dropped in AI Overviews, according to SERanking. It is no longer among the top 10 most cited domains. The top five domains most referenced websites in AI Overviews:

  • (1,200 times)
  • (1,114 times)
  • (1,027 times)
  • (933 times)
  • (775 times)

By the numbers. Some interesting findings from SERanking’s analysis:

  • 84.72% of AI Overviews link to at least one domain that also appears in Google’s top 10 organic search results.
  • Featured snippets and AI Overviews appear together 45.39% of the time – and when this happens, citations match 61.79% of the time.
  • AI Overviews are 4,342 characters, on average.
  • Ads appear with AI Overviews 87% of the time.
  • AI Overviews are most often present in Relationships (26.62%), Food and Beverage (24.78%) and Technology (18.11%).

More findings. Here are other interesting findings from SEOClarity’s analysis:

  • AI Overviews appeared for 44% of Your Money Your Life (YMYL) keywords.
  • Local keywords don’t trigger AI Overviews (this seems consistent with recent BrightEdge findings).
  • AI Overviews are most often present in Home Warranty (25.22%), Technology (20.09%), and Social Media (23.96%) industries.

Why we care. Despite the early hiccups in these early days of AI Overviews, Google continues to evolve in the direction of AI Overviews. Google wants to become an answer engine rather than a search engine. As this shift from Classic Search to AI Search continues, some brands and businesses may be forced to adapt to a new reality with less organic traffic.

The reports. You can read them here:

New on Search Engine Land

About the author

Danny Goodwin

Danny Goodwin has been Managing Editor of Search Engine Land & Search Marketing Expo – SMX since 2022. He joined Search Engine Land in 2022 as Senior Editor. In addition to reporting on the latest search marketing news, he manages Search Engine Land’s SME (Subject Matter Expert) program. He also helps program U.S. SMX events.

Goodwin has been editing and writing about the latest developments and trends in search and digital marketing since 2007. He previously was Executive Editor of Search Engine Journal (from 2017 to 2022), managing editor of Momentology (from 2014-2016) and editor of Search Engine Watch (from 2007 to 2014). He has spoken at many major search conferences and virtual events, and has been sourced for his expertise by a wide range of publications and podcasts.

Amazon Ads in 2024: Maximizing Sponsored Brands campaigns

Amazon’s Sponsored Brands have always been a central component in showcasing brands and capturing customer attention on the platform. Today, many exciting new features are available to revolutionize your advertising strategy.

This article tackles the latest updates on this Amazon ad format and strategies to maximize its potential. With recent advancements in targeting, ad formats, analytics and optimization, there’s never been a better time to refine your approach and achieve outstanding results.

What’s new in Amazon Ads?

Enhanced targeting options

Amazon has significantly upgraded its targeting capabilities for Sponsored Brands campaigns. These enhancements allow advertisers to pinpoint their ideal customer segments with extraordinary precision. 

Expanding criteria to include specific demographics, purchase behaviors and detailed interest categories allows advertisers to reach a broader, more relevant audience. This enhances the impact and efficiency of your campaigns.

Improved ad formats

Amazon recently launched several new ad formats designed to capture and retain customer attention. Among the most notable are video ads and interactive ad formats. 

  • Video ads enable the delivery of visually compelling messages, helping to communicate your brand narrative more effectively. 
  • Interactive ads provide an immersive experience that can boost engagement and drive higher conversion rates. These new formats offer innovative ways to connect with your audience and increase brand visibility.

Advanced analytics and reporting tools

Amazon’s latest updates have introduced advanced analytics and reporting tools for Sponsored Brands campaigns. These tools present deeper insights into campaign performance, helping you identify which strategies are working and where there’s room to improve. 

Detailed metrics on engagement, click-through rates, conversion rates and more are now readily accessible. This data lets you make informed decisions, optimize your campaigns in real time and achieve superior results.

AI-powered optimization

AI is at the forefront of Amazon’s latest innovations. The new AI-powered optimization features automatically adjust your bidding, targeting and ad placements to maximize performance. 

AI analyzes large data sets to find hidden patterns and emerging trends, helping you stay ahead. Using AI can significantly improve efficiency and ROI.

Integration with Amazon Marketing Cloud

Amazon Sponsored Brands now feature deeper integration with the Amazon Marketing Cloud, providing a comprehensive view of your marketing efforts across the Amazon ecosystem. 

It facilitates seamless data sharing and analytics, allowing you to synchronize your ad campaigns with other marketing activities. With this integration, you can create a more cohesive and impactful marketing strategy that elevates your brand presence across Amazon.

1. Leverage enhanced targeting

With the launch of more sophisticated targeting options this year, refining your approach to audience segmentation is crucial.

  • Start by analyzing your customer data to pinpoint the most relevant demographics, behaviors and interests that align with your brand. 
  • Use these insights to create highly targeted ad campaigns tailored specifically to your ideal customers. For instance, targeting health-conscious individuals who frequently buy wellness products can notably improve ad relevance and engagement if you sell fitness gear. 
  • Continuously monitor and fine-tune your targeting parameters to ensure you’re reaching the most valuable audience segments.

2. Create compelling ad content

The latest ad formats offer exciting opportunities to craft more engaging content. 

  • For video ads, focus on creating visually appealing and concise messages highlighting your brand’s unique value. Use storytelling techniques to captivate viewers and leave a lasting impression. 
  • For interactive ads, design immersive experiences that encourage user participation, such as quizzes, product demos or interactive catalogs. The key is to make your ads eye-catching, informative and enjoyable, ultimately increasing engagement and conversion rates.

3. Leverage advanced analytics

Advanced analytics tools are more powerful than ever, providing better insights into your campaign performance.

  • Make it a habit to regularly review these analytics to better understand how your ads are performing. 
  • Identify trends in engagement, click-through rates and conversion metrics to pinpoint successful elements and areas for improvement in your campaigns.
  • Use these insights to inform data-driven decisions, tweak your ad content and target and bidding strategies as needed to optimize performance.

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4. Embrace AI-powered optimization

AI-powered optimization eliminates much of the uncertainty in managing ad campaigns.

  • Set up AI-driven features to automatically adjust bids, targeting and placements using real-time data analysis. This saves you time and guarantees optimal campaign performance. 
  • However, don’t just set it and forget it.
  • Regularly review the adjustments to ensure they align with your overall marketing goals. Make manual tweaks when necessary to refine performance and maintain a competitive advantage.

5. Capitalize on Amazon Marketing Cloud integration

Integrating with Amazon Marketing Cloud allows you to create a more holistic marketing strategy.

  • Leverage the data and analytics from the Marketing Cloud to comprehensively understand your customer journey across different touchpoints. 
  • This empowers you to synchronize your Sponsored Brands ads with other marketing efforts, such as email campaigns, social media advertising and in-store promotions.
  • By aligning these efforts, you can foster a unified brand experience that strengthens customer relationships and boosts overall marketing effectiveness.

Tips and best practices for ongoing success

Stay updated with Amazon’s changes

Amazon frequently enhances its advertising platform with new features and improvements. Staying informed about these changes is vital for maintaining a competitive edge. Here are some steps to ensure you’re always up-to-date:

  • Subscribe to Amazon advertising’s newsletter: It provides regular updates on new features, case studies, and best practices.
  • Join industry forums and groups: Engage with communities on platforms like LinkedIn, Reddit and industry-specific forums where professionals share insights and experiences.
  • Attend webinars and conferences: Amazon and other marketing organizations often host events that can provide in-depth knowledge and networking opportunities.
  • Follow thought leaders: Identify and follow experts in the Amazon advertising space. Their blogs, social media posts and publications can offer valuable insights and tips.

Experiment and iterate

The digital advertising landscape constantly evolves, making experimentation and iteration essential for success. Here’s how to effectively test and refine your strategies:

  • A/B testing: Regularly conduct A/B tests on various elements of your ads, such as headlines, images, calls to action and targeting options. Analyze the results to determine which variations perform best.
  • Pilot new features: Whenever Amazon releases a new feature, consider running a small-scale campaign to test its effectiveness before fully integrating it into your strategy.
  • Monitor competitors: Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. Analyze their ad formats, messaging and targeting strategies. Learn from their successes and mistakes to improve your own campaigns.
  • Review performance metrics: Set up a schedule to review your campaign performance metrics regularly. Look for trends, spikes and drops in engagement and use this data to make informed adjustments.

Actionable strategies for continuous success

Building a sustainable strategy requires actionable steps that can drive ongoing success. Here’s how to ensure your campaigns remain effective:

  • Regularly update your product listings
    • Ensure your product listings are always up-to-date with accurate information, high-quality images and optimized keywords.
    • Make sure your titles, bullet points and descriptions are clear, concise and compelling.
  • Optimize bids and budgets
    • Regularly review and adjust your bids and budgets based on performance data.
    • Increase funding for high-performing campaigns and decrease spending on less effective ones.
  • Leverage seasonal trends and events
    • Plan and execute campaigns around major shopping seasons and events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Prime Day.
    • Customize your ads to align with seasonal trends and special promotions.
  • Utilize negative keywords
    • Regularly update your negative keyword list to exclude irrelevant searches that don’t convert.
    • This helps to optimize your ad spend and improve your ROI.
  • Enhance customer reviews and ratings
    • Actively seek customer feedback and encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.
    • Address any negative feedback promptly and use it to improve your products and services.
  • Implement retargeting campaigns
    • Use retargeting to reach customers who have previously viewed or interacted with your products.
    • Craft personalized ads that remind them of the products they are interested in, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

These practical tips in your marketing strategy will enhance your Amazon Sponsored Brands campaigns and support continuous improvement. This proactive approach keeps your brand competitive and successful.

Whether you’re seasoned in selling on Amazon or new to the platform, these insights are designed to help you secure a competitive advantage and maximize the opportunities presented to you now and in the future.

Contributing authors are invited to create content for Search Engine Land and are chosen for their expertise and contribution to the search community. Our contributors work under the oversight of the editorial staff and contributions are checked for quality and relevance to our readers. The opinions they express are their own.

5 ways to align PPC campaigns with business objectives

One of the greatest failings of a PPC specialist is being unable to take a step back and see the big picture.

You can get lost in the weeds of account management and focus too much on vanity metrics, bidding strategy testing and reporting to forget about what the client ultimately wants from the account. 

To be fair, the client is often not great at communicating what that big picture looks like, and they, too, can often get lost in CTR and Search impression share metrics. 

I’ve had more conversations over the years with some clients on why average CPC is up year on year, why they aren’t top of the SERP on certain searches, or why the bounce rate is so high on a Shopping ad compared to a Search, rather than discussing how our overall business objectives are progressing. 

Campaign goals and objectives should be regularly discussed because they are the ultimate measure of success, vary among different people in the company and change over time.

With this in mind, I’ve come up with five considerations for setting up and adapting your PPC goals and objectives 

1. Alignment with overall business goals

Agencies often promise to improve campaign performance but may not know how the client defines performance. Sales teams who are involved in early discussions may have questionable PPC experience since they don’t regularly manage accounts.

Audits are carried out, recommendations are made and account management is handed over. Some conversations are had along the way about the account objectives, but often, this is done after an audit. 

This is odd to me, as without the goals, how do you have context for campaign goals, bidding strategies and account structure? 

Even when objectives are clear, different people involved in the discussions can cause the details to get lost in the setup and week-to-week management.

Those business goals must be the center of your initial campaign strategy and roadmap. Before handling an account, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Is the measurement in place to track all the priority and secondary goals the client wants to track? 
  • Does every campaign currently running, or planned to be built, have a specific goal that is aligned with the overall objective?
  • Is the account structure proportionally reflective of these objectives?
  • How does the business track the success of these objectives and goals? Can we have access to it (Shopify, HubSpot, etc.)?

There will be more specific questions to ask, which may have been covered in the briefing stage, but ensure these are documented and recorded as a reference point for future conversations.

Dig deeper: Setting PPC goals: How to tailor KPIs and metrics for each funnel stage

2. Channel and audience research

With the business priorities and sub-priorities set out, you now have to identify the biggest PPC opportunities that are available to match those priorities.

Research your audience and match their profile with a channel that will produce results based on each priority. Your budget and the client’s available resources will also dictate what channels you decide to invest in.

For example, a new insurance company may have a limited budget to generate brand awareness (priority) and initial leads (sub-priority). 

The first go-to strategy may have been Meta Ads to build awareness and Google Search ads targeting specific keywords for leads. However, the markets using these channels are notoriously competitive, and the average CPC/CPM is very high.

As a new company, they lack a strong brand name and the trust that comes with it. However, they have a young, savvy marketing team and a product targeting a younger audience.

Their team creates high-quality, engaging video content, evident from their YouTube channel, which has 10 times more subscribers than their Meta accounts.

YouTube suits their longer, product-focused videos, and their audience engages better there. Based on this, they decided to focus their advertising budget on YouTube with video in-stream ads for brand awareness and demand gen campaigns for leads.

Dig deeper: Un-silo your PPC campaigns: 4 tactics for more cohesive marketing

3. Enhanced measurement strategy 

It all goes back to your initial conversations. Once priority and sub-priority objectives are agreed upon, identify what needs to be tracked for each objective. Ensure the client agrees with this measurement strategy. 

If the main goal is to generate more revenue, set up revenue tracking for optimization and measurement. This defines success for the account, so client alignment is crucial. Secondary goals might include acquiring new users or increasing average order value (AOV).

Make sure new user acquisition is tracked in both the sales platform (overall) and search ads (platform-specific). This allows you to measure and report on new acquisition bidding strategies.

To measure AOV, implement basket-level data tracking to identify products with the highest AOV. This lets you test bidding on these products separately and measure any uplift.

Often, brand awareness is the most difficult objective to track, and each client will have different ideas on tracking it (e.g., clicks, sessions, views from videos, reach, impressions, etc). 

Some will look deeper, such as brand lift studies (limited to high spenders), direct traffic growth, returning user growth or brand traffic growth. 

It’s likely a combination of these factors and others. The key is to discuss these options with the client and, once agreed upon, make them the focus of advertising measurement, optimization and reporting.

Dig deeper: How to track and measure PPC campaigns

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4. Reporting

With clear and measurable goals and objectives agreed upon, reporting should reflect this as transparently and plainly as possible.

The CEO, CFO, head of sales or any member of the marketing team should be able to understand and interpret a report in the context of the priority and sub-priority objectives agreed upon.

A real-time dashboard is ideal because stakeholders can access reports from any time period without needing frequent email requests for specific data. It should reflect the agreed-upon KPIs for each campaign and metrics related to important objectives like profitability. Organize priority objectives on separate pages to avoid confusion.

You can use a simple test by asking a colleague not involved in the account if they can clearly identify the campaign objectives just by looking at the dashboard structure. 

If someone who also creates dashboards for clients can’t recognize the objectives within 30 seconds, CEOs and CFOs who don’t regularly view dashboards will likely struggle, too. 

Be patient with client feedback on the dashboard’s appearance and data content. Once they’re satisfied, your job is done. It’s also helpful to clearly state specific goals on the dashboard and define where each campaign stands in the sales funnel. 

This transparency is crucial, especially for new team members or those who don’t frequently review dashboards.

Dig deeper: 3 steps for effective PPC reporting and analysis

5. Consistent and structured communication 

With reporting nailed down, you have the foundation for consistent and structured communication among the different client stakeholders.

Carry out monthly report check-ins with your own interpretation of the report, as data alone will rarely tell the whole story and provide context. 

This can be communicated through regular weekly or bi-weekly comms with your day-to-day contact, most likely with the client’s marketing team. 

If possible, build in quarterly and annual reviews. This enables you and the client to regularly take a step back and monitor the overall progress of the objectives. 

Make sure that finance, sales and other leadership stakeholders within the company are brought into these meetings/calls to discuss the overall strategy and reconfirm on their side if their road map hasn’t changed. 

Don’t just rely on the marketing team to keep everyone updated. Often, there will be new members of the leadership team who weren’t involved in the initial discussions, so regularly reaffirming objectives and strategies will be welcomed. 

How often have you left annual reviews with the business leadership team feeling disappointed due to negative feedback? 

It was supposed to be a moment to celebrate the year-on-year increase in conversions and lower CPA, which you thought were the main campaign goals. 

However, it turns out the increased leads are low quality, and there are fewer sales conversions (thanks to the sales team for the updated information). Without their input and involvement, this issue wouldn’t have been identified.

These meetings require more preparation and can be stressful, as opinionated individuals, some of whom have bad memories, will scrutinize everything about the campaigns. However, your consistent and transparent reporting on agreed-upon metrics will serve you well. 

Issues like low-quality leads would have been caught earlier when setting primary objectives. (Remember, you should’ve gained access to the client’s HubSpot account initially, integrated it into our measurement setup and included it in our comprehensive report dashboard.)

As we’ve seen in the past few eventful years for online advertising, markets can significantly fluctuate. As the business goalposts shift, then so should your campaign approach. 

In the case of the insurance company mentioned earlier, after a year with their initial strategy, the annual review showed increased brand recognition and a small number of high-quality leads. 

Market analysis revealed that many competitors had exited the search markets, leading to a 30% decrease in average CPC compared to the inflated numbers of the previous year. 

After reviewing forecasting data, the company decided to pivot and revise its main objective to focus more on increasing lead numbers while preserving quality, with brand awareness becoming a secondary priority.

To achieve this, they decided to increase their marketing budget. Previously, their budget wasn’t sufficient for testing search ads. While lead generation was a secondary priority, they now have enough funds to give paid search a fair trial and increase lead volume to align with their primary objective. 

Their successful brand awareness campaign on YouTube over the past year featured innovative, engaging video ads that bolstered the company’s market reputation and established a stronger authority bias. 

This led to higher conversion rates and a more efficient return on investment from paid search than if they had launched the ads a year earlier, when they had minimal market presence and trust, resulting in higher average CPCs.

The scenario happened because of direct communication and clear reporting of primary objectives with senior stakeholders. It’s crucial to have everything agreed upon set up and performing well through the first four steps. 

However, if this isn’t regularly communicated to company decision-makers, you won’t be able to react swiftly and capitalize on market opportunities as they arise.

Dig deeper: How to deliver PPC results to executives: Get out of the weeds

Contributing authors are invited to create content for Search Engine Land and are chosen for their expertise and contribution to the search community. Our contributors work under the oversight of the editorial staff and contributions are checked for quality and relevance to our readers. The opinions they express are their own.

How to create shareable, link-worthy content in the AI era

In 2023, Google’s Gary Illyes stated that links are no longer the third most important Google ranking factor.

Was he lying?

A recent study by Internet Marketing Ninjas showed that over 96% of websites in the Top 10 search results have more than 1,000 backlinks from unique domains.

And only 0.3% have less than 100.

Clearly, websites that rank well in Google Search tend to have more high-quality backlinks.

What is the key to earning those precious nods from other websites?

Content-based link building.

Content-based link building is a strategy used in SEO to acquire backlinks by creating and promoting high-quality content.

Instead of actively soliciting links from other websites, which can be seen as spammy or manipulative, content-based link building focuses on creating valuable, informative or entertaining content that naturally attracts links from other sites.

What types of content tend to earn the most links?

There are two critical elements: relevance and value.

Your content should resonate with other websites, filling a gap in their content or sparking a new idea.

Think long-form content – comprehensive guides, groundbreaking research, visually stunning infographics and forward-thinking opinion pieces – content with a certain “stickiness” that encourages other sites to link back to it as a trusted authority.

Content that attracts high-quality links often falls into certain categories, including:

  • Case studies
  • Industry reports
  • Controversial or opinionated pieces
  • Interviews with industry experts

Creating content that attracts links isn’t rocket science. You simply need to focus on providing helpful information that answers the burning questions of your target audience.

When you do, you’ll become the default authority in your industry.

Readers respond to engaging headlines, subheadings and eye-catching visuals that segment the text.

To add credibility, illustrate your points with specific data and relatable examples that resonate with your audience.

Dig deeper: How to create linkable assets with ChatGPT

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Want to turbocharge your website’s visibility? Focus on building quality backlinks with these seven strategies.

1. Create linkable assets

Develop valuable resources like infographics, whitepapers or interactive tools that naturally attract links. These linkable assets provide unique value that other sites will want to reference and share with their audience, helping you earn valuable backlinks.

2. Guest posting

Reach out to relevant websites in your niche and offer to write a high-quality guest post. This lets you tap into their audience while earning a backlink to your site. But make sure to choose only reputable sites that are aligned with your target audience.

Find broken links on relevant websites, then reach out to the site owner and offer your content as a replacement. This technique helps site owners fix their broken links while allowing you to earn a valuable backlink and demonstrate your expertise.

4. Skyscraper technique

Find popular content in your niche, then create an even better version. Reach out to sites linking to the original piece and let them know about your improved resource. If your content is truly valuable, many of these sites will update their links.

5. Expert roundups

Create a roundup post featuring insights from industry experts. Reach out to these experts and let them know they’ve been featured. Many will share the post with their audience, driving traffic and earning natural links.

6. Resource pages

Many websites have resource pages that link to helpful content on a specific topic. Find relevant resource pages in your niche and reach out to suggest your content as a valuable addition. If your resource truly adds value, you can earn a high-quality link.

7. Digital PR

Create newsworthy content like original research, surveys or industry reports. Pitch this content to journalists and publications in your niche, and if they cover your story, you’ll earn authoritative links from trusted media sites.

The key to any link building strategy is to focus on providing genuine value. Your content needs to be link-worthy – something that other sites would want to reference and share with their audience to enhance the user experience.

Dig deeper: How to use digital PR to drive backlinks and business growth

Today’s social media landscape offers a unique chance to build relationships and earn links.

Get your audience buzzing by asking thought-provoking questions, sparking lively discussions and responding to comments.

As your social engagement rises, you’ll naturally attract links from people who stumble upon your content.

Another tactic is to mention influencers and thought leaders when sharing your content. If you’ve referenced their work or included their insights, tag them in your social posts, and many will reshare the post with their followers, expanding your reach and increasing your chances of earning links.

Connect with journalists and publications in your industry. Engage with their posts, and when the timing is right, pitch your content for a chance to land valuable backlinks and boost your brand’s visibility.

Remember, link building is about more than just creating great content – it’s about getting that content in front of the right people. Harness the power of social media to promote your content, build relationships and get those high-quality links pointing to your site.

The future of content is being rewritten by AI and the landscape is shifting rapidly.

These days, artificial intelligence is cranking out incredibly realistic content at lightning speed, making it easy for marketers to whip up social media posts, blog articles and ad copy.

But while this tech is undeniably cool, it’s also making link building a bit of a puzzle.

The web is awash with AI-generated content, making it tough to cut through the noise and earn those prized high-quality backlinks.

What will give you a unique advantage is your human touch. It’s all about tapping into people’s emotions, sharing real-life experiences and offering genuine perspectives – things that AI systems are still struggling to master.

With AI-generated content on the rise, creating truly exceptional content is more crucial than ever. Here are three things to keep in mind when generating link-worthy AI content.

  • Prioritize E-E-A-T: Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines are more important than ever. Create content that showcases your unique expertise and experiences to build trust with your target audience.
  • Focus on user intent: Instead of just targeting keywords, create content that addresses the underlying needs and questions of your target audience. Use tools like Answer the Public to uncover the topics and queries that users are searching for.
  • Experiment with new formats: While long-form content can be great for link building, don’t be afraid to experiment with shorter, more visual formats like infographics, videos and interactive tools. These can be highly shareable and help you stand out in a sea of text-heavy content.

AI may be wreaking havoc on the link building landscape, but it also presents new opportunities for those willing to adapt and innovate.

By focusing on creating unique, valuable content that meets the needs of your target audience, you can continue to earn high-quality backlinks and establish your website as a go-to resource in your industry.

Contributing authors are invited to create content for Search Engine Land and are chosen for their expertise and contribution to the search community. Our contributors work under the oversight of the editorial staff and contributions are checked for quality and relevance to our readers. The opinions they express are their own.

What you need to know

Google is discontinuing Universal Analytics, its legacy web analytics platform. This is the final shift in the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Why it matters. Businesses that relied on Universal Analytics for website measurement and data analysis need to act quickly to avoid losing access to their historical data and maintain continuity in their analytics capabilities.

Key dates.

  • July 1: Users will lose access to Universal Analytics data and interface.
  • After July 1: All Universal Analytics data will be permanently deleted.

Why we care. We’ve finally reached the “now or never” moment. Export your historical data or you’ll lose it all in July.

The big picture. This transition marks a significant shift in Google’s analytics offerings, with GA4 designed to be more privacy-focused and adaptable to future changes in technology and regulations. However, search marketers remain unimpressed with GA4 – many of them still absolutely hate GA4.


  • Universal Analytics properties are identifiable by tracking codes starting with “UA-“.
  • Google has been automatically creating GA4 properties for users since March 2023.
  • Several features, including real-time reports and certain advertising capabilities, have already been deprecated.
  • There will be no visibility of historical UA bidding, audience or conversion data.
  • Universal Analytics 360 contract holders will no longer be able to create standard Universal Analytics properties.
  • Publisher or other product integrations (e.g. UA audience list, BigQuery exports, UA API requests) will be unavailable when services have stopped.

What to do.

  • Export your Universal Analytics data before July 1, 2024.
  • Set up and configure a Google Analytics 4 property if you haven’t already.
  • Migrate Google Ads links and create new conversions based on GA4 events.

    Bottom line. If you haven’t already, you need to act swiftly to preserve your historical Google Universal Analytics data.

New on Search Engine Land

About the author

Anu Adegbola

Anu Adegbola has been Paid Media Editor of Search Engine Land since 2024. She covers paid search, paid social, retail media, video and more.

In 2008, Anu’s career started with

 delivering digital marketing campaigns (mostly but not exclusively Paid Search) by building strategies, maximising ROI, automating repetitive processes and bringing efficiency from every part of marketing departments through inspiring leadership both on agency, client and marketing tech side.


Outside editing Search Engine Land article she is the founder of PPC networking event – PPC Live, host of weekly podcast PPCChat Roundup, and brand evangelist at ClickTech. 


She is also an international speaker with some of the stages she has presented on being SMX (US), SMX (Munich), Friends of Search (Amsterdam), brightonSEO, The Marketing Meetup, HeroConf (PPC Hero), SearchLove, BiddableWorld, SESLondon, PPC Chat Live, AdWorld Experience (Bologna) and more.

Google ties in Local Services Ads advertisers to Maps app

Google is rolling out Local Services Ads on its Maps app, starting with iOS, to help advertisers generate more leads directly from the navigation platform.

Why it matters. This expansion brings local business ads to a highly-intent user base actively searching for nearby services, potentially increasing lead generation for advertisers.

How it works. Google will automatically create and display ads on Maps using businesses’ current Local Services Ads data.

The catch. Advertisers can’t opt out of Maps placement without also pausing their Search ads.

Why we care. This could be good news for advertisers with a chance at increased visibility on Google Maps, providing exposure to users actively searching for local services, potentially at the moment of need. However, advertisers should also be aware that this bundling limits flexibility in campaign management and may affect budget allocation strategies

Key details.

  • Launch limited to iOS version of Google Maps mobile app
  • Uses existing ad data and user reviews to create ads
  • No additional data required from advertisers
  • Billing and pricing remain the same as Search ads
  • Advertisers only charged for qualified leads
  • Existing bids will be used for Maps ads

First spotted. This announcement was spotted on Matt McGee on X. He shared the email he received:

Examples of it live. Search Engine Land’s Barry Schwartz spotted a few examples on a search:

Screenshot 2024 06 21 At 15.03.44

Between the lines. This move leverages Google’s dominant position in local search and navigation to create new ad inventory.

The bottom line. For local businesses, this update could increase visibility to potential customers when they’re looking for services, but it also binds Maps and Search ad placements together.