Why Renting Out Your Mortgage Might Be Smarter Than Paying It Off

When it comes to financial security, traditional advice often centres around paying off your home mortgage as quickly as possible.

The peace of mind that comes with owning your home outright is undeniably appealing.

However, this strategy might not always be the most effective way to grow your wealth.

Instead, using the funds to invest in property can potentially offer greater financial benefits.

Here’s why.

1. Leveraging low interest rates

Even though interest rates in Australia have increased over the last few years, they still remain relatively low compared to historical averages.

Your home mortgage likely has a relatively low-interest rate, especially if you secured it a few years ago.

By choosing to keep your mortgage and instead using your available funds to invest in property, you can leverage this relatively cheap debt to your advantage.

The potential return from a well-chosen property investment, especially if you combine both the capital growth and rental income, would be significantly more than the 5% or 6% you are saving paying down your home mortgage.

2. Opportunity cost of capital

One of the key concepts in investment is the opportunity cost of capital.

When you pay off your mortgage, you’re effectively locking in a guaranteed return equal to your mortgage interest rate – in other words, the 6% or so that you’re not paying on your mortgage.

While this might seem like a safe bet, consider what you might earn if you invested those funds elsewhere.

As I have explained, well-located property investments have historically delivered strong returns over the long term, outpacing the cost of your home mortgage interest.

3. Building wealth through property investment

Investing in additional property can be a powerful way to build wealth.

If you think about it, rather than owning one property, your home, increasing value over time, you will now have two properties taking advantage of leverage and capital growth, and of course, you’ll have your tenants helping subsidise your investment mortgage payments.

One of the big benefits of using your funds to invest in property is that it allows you to take advantage of leverage.

By borrowing to invest, you can amplify your returns – basically, you are controlling a larger asset with a smaller deposit, maximising the return on your funds.

For instance, with a 20% deposit, you control 100% of the property and benefit from 100% of the capital gains, effectively multiplying your investment power.

Remember the bank does not get any share of this tax-free growth.

4. Tax advantages

Investment properties offer tax benefits not available when paying off your home mortgage.

Of course, you don’t invest for tax benefits, but they are the icing on the cake.

7 money tips to super charge your finances

Key takeaways

It’s really a combination of our mindset, habits, and behaviours that rule our financial destiny.

Let’s look at 7 tips that could make you rich:

1. If you are born poor it’s not your fault, but if you die poor it’s your mistake

2. Don’t follow the herd

3. You should know how many months you have left in your wealth window

4. Practice delayed gratification

5. Don’t think you can ever make money by trading

6. Avoid Credit Card Debt

7. Insure yourself

Becoming financially fluent will be the best gift you can give yourself. And getting sound impartial financial advice along the way is not a cost, it’s an investment.

The maths behind financial independence is incredibly simple.

But, if that’s the case why do so few Australians achieve financial freedom?

It’s not for the lack of knowledge – there are so many money blogs, videos, and podcasts out there.

Instead, it’s a combination of our mindset, habits, and behaviours that rule our financial destiny.

3 Mind Set

So let’s look at 7 tips that could make you rich:

1. If you are born poor it’s not your fault, but if you die poor it’s your mistake

This quote is often attributed to Bill Gates, a self-made multi-billionaire who is now helping the world through his philanthropic work.

What he’s getting at is that you have to take responsibility for your financial future.

You have to become financially literate.

The problem for many is that becoming wealthy is a long journey and it’s not easy.

But then again why should it be easy?

If it were easy, then the rewards would not be so great.

2. Don’t follow the herd

Each of us has been hardwired by evolution with a desire to be part of a herd.

In the early days of humanity, being part of a herd meant survival.

With a herd, there was always someone on guard for predators or danger, and also certain herd members identified opportunities that could be beneficial to the herd.

However, that’s not the way it works with money unless you want to be average and follow the crowd of average folk.

But if you want to achieve financial excellence, one of the best things you can do is not follow the heart.

You need to break away from the pack, take your own path, and make the best choices for yourself as an individual.

Successful investors know that to get to the top of the property ladder, they need to overcome the fears that hold most people back from ever stepping foot on the first rung, or of not waiting for the perfect time or the perfect investment.

And they also understand the importance of, wait for it, going against the crowd!

Warren Buffet said it best, “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

3. You should know how many months you have left in your wealth window

Your “wealth window” is the time from now until when you stop receiving an earned income.

How much are you going to earn in that time?

Think about it…if you earn $100,000 a year for the next 15 years you will have $1.5 million passing through your hands.

The big question is: how much of this will you keep?

You have two important stages in your life: a saving and investment stage – this is what I call your “wealth window” and your spending stage – your retirement.

For many Australians there biggest asset is their income earning capacity over the rest of their “wealth window.”

Your financial future will depend on the balance between enjoying your money now and planning for “then.”

Which leads to…

4. Practice delayed gratification

If you want more money and freedom in life you’re going to have to practice delayed gratification.

Successful people possess higher patience and an aptitude to postpone the enjoyment of their work.

The 12 Most Common Property Management Problems

Many investors think that the hardest part of becoming an investor is searching for and finding the right investment property.

In reality, that’s only the beginning.

Once you own an investment property and become a landlord, you have to learn how to effectively manage it – and a huge part of this is ensuring that your tenants are happy.

After all, if they’re not happy living there, they’re going to move to greener pastures pretty swiftly.

In this article, we look at the most common tenant complaints about those living in apartments and how to overcome them.

It all begins with CLAP: Children, Landscaping, Animals and Parking.

1. Children

Children running around in a unit complex without much adult supervision are likely to attract the attention of other tenants, and not in a positive way.

We’re not talking about kids who like to take a scooter ride after school around the complex – but the cheeky children who shriek around the complex and go ‘door knocking’ (purposely or intentionally knocking on other tenants’ doors and then running away for “fun”, a game that can be very irritating and frustrating for neighbours).

Complaints regarding children can be targeted at those who live on the premises, or children who are visiting the complex temporarily. Importantly, a body corporate can’t refuse to let a dwelling to certain groups of people such as families, and complaints regarding children can be very difficult to manage. Children are, by nature, noisy little critters!

2. Landscaping

The quality of landscaping in common areas, as well as the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of said areas, can result in tenant complaints.

It’s not uncommon for a body corporate or owners corporation, which manages all of the owners’ in a building or complex, to receive complaints about lawns not being mowed, hedges not being trimmed or tree roots causing damage to paths.

For tenants, this can become a problem when trees or vegetation impacts their view or ability to use their home.

3. Animals

The issue of animals being kept in units or apartments has long generated heated debate amongst tenants, landlords, property managers and the wider community.

Anyone who has been stuck living near a heartbroken dog left locked indoors all day knows only too well how frustrating that can be: a constantly barking dog can be hard to ignore.

Other common complaints in relation to animals include toileting – as some owners don’t pick up after their pets – and damage to common property.

Keep in mind that laws have been introduced in some states that mean a body corporate or landlord can not reasonably refuse to allow someone to keep a pet.


4. Parking

Tenants parking in another tenant’s parking spot… tenants parking regularly in the visitor bays… tenants parking in the wrong spots altogether… visitors who overstay their welcome by using a parking space as their own private space… even tenants who make up their own parking spaces on grassy areas.

These are all potential causes of dispute between residents in a strata complex and could see your tenant making contact with you if they’re getting fed up with others doing the wrong thing.

5. Maintenance and upkeep

As a landlord, it’s up to you to ensure the property you are renting out is in good condition.

However, it’s the body corporate’s responsibility to maintain the building and ensure the upkeep of common areas – which means you don’t always have control over how well this is carried out.

Problems such as water leaks, mould build-up, pathways requiring repair and locks to mailboxes being broker can be the subject of a lot of complaints.

This is why it’s a good idea for you (or your property manager) to develop a good relationship with your strata manager – so you can ensure any issues are raised swiftly.

You may even choose to join the management committee.

6. Noise

This is a big one!

Excessive noise is one of the most common complaints that tenants can have, and for good reason: no one enjoys trying to fall asleep against a backdrop of a neighbour’s loud dance party music.

Your tenant’s noise complaints may be the result of just one regular offender, in which case it may be a little easier to address the issue.

Generally, most unit complexes don’t have more than one tenant repeatedly making excessive noise and complaints are often because of a party.

However, if the problem is ongoing – they constantly practice the drums at 10 pm, they hold regular parties, they stomp around the apartment or they watch television with surround sound as if it’s their own personal theatre, then it may need to be addressed.

7. Odours

If your tenant complains of an odour coming from their plumbing or bathroom, then it needs investigation fairly quickly – it could be the case that there is a blockage or other issue causing a build-up.

Also, when a tenant is living in closer quarters with others, it isn’t uncommon for strong cooking odours to be shared.

They might waft through mechanical ventilation systems and impact larger areas, or they might just be living so close to a neighbour that they constantly smell what they’re cooking up.

Containing or preventing this from happening is extremely difficult in a strata living situation, so tolerance is the key when people from different ethnic origins are cooking foods that have strong odours.


8. Smoking

On the topic of smells – smoking is another major area of dispute amongst tenants.

Under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998, smoking in enclosed areas of a common area is prohibited, so if your tenant complains of another resident smoking in the car park or the front entry, that can be addressed fairly quickly.

A tenant smoking in their own apartment, on the other hand, is much trickier to manage.

There have been some legal rulings over the years regarding smoking within units, where the smell escapes through the balconies, under doors or into the extraction system.

These rulings have found that a body corporate doesn’t have the authority to prohibit smoking within a unit, including on balconies as these are private homes.

However, somebody corporate schemes have passed by-laws that state residents are not permitted to smoke on their balconies, where it causes a nuisance to neighbouring units.

As you can imagine, these by-laws can be very difficult to enforce – so this is an area you need to work very closely with your property manager and body corporate manager on.

9. Damage to common areas

When many different people use a communal area, there’s an expectation that everyone will do the right thing to maintain and present these locations to a high standard.

Of course, this isn’t always the case.

Strata managers and property managers report that the most common complaints regarding communal areas often stem from issues with people using pools and barbecue areas, and not cleaning up after themselves.

It can also create problems if tenants attempt to use common areas for their own private use on a more regular basis when they are designed to be shared by all of the residents in the complex.

Privacy Violation

10. Lack of privacy

When it comes to apartment living, most residents relish the privacy within their own four walls as they are sharing so much of their “home” with others.

As a result, tenants tend to become disgruntled if the landlord, on-site manager or property manager come knocking too often.

You can’t just drop past and visit your tenant or your property without warning: this is not just a matter of politeness, it’s the law.

10 Ways Coworking Spaces Boost Your Productivity

As the modern workplace changes, commercial properties as old-fashioned office plans are replaced by more creative ones. In particular, coworking spaces are becoming increasingly common as a solution. More and more, workers who want to be more productive are choosing these shared places. In addition to giving people a place to work, coworking areas have many other advantages.

This piece will talk about 10 ways that coworking spaces can make you much more productive at work.

1. Collaborative Atmosphere

People from a huge range of businesses and backgrounds come to coworking spaces, which make them real melting pots of professional variety. This mix of different skills, experiences, and knowledge creates a great place to work together where experts can easily combine their areas of expertise.

The energy in these places encourages people to share their ideas, knowledge, and skills, making them great places for coming up with new solutions to problems and ideas. Professionals from different fields naturally interact with each other, which not only allows ideas to spread but also leads to the creation of new views and approaches.

2. Networking Chances

The social aspects of coworking spaces are a big plus because they make it easy for people to meet new people in the same field and build their business networks. Talking with coworkers, business owners, and freelancers in these shared spaces allows you to make connections beyond the walls of a normal office.

The variety of workers who work in coworking spaces creates a unique networking environment that makes it easy to share ideas, learn about the industry, and look for ways to work together. People who work together often find that they have similar interests, skills that support each other, and goals when they talk casually about shared amenities, during coffee breaks, or at networking events.

Co-working space networking

3. Flexibility and Convenience

Coworking places let you choose your hours and where you work. People can set their work hours to match their most productive times when they can access their work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This makes them more productive and improves their work-life balance.

4. Access to Resources

Coworking spaces emerge as cost-effective and resourceful solutions for professionals due to their provision of cutting-edge amenities. These shared environments often boast state-of-the-art facilities such as well-equipped meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and office supplies.

The availability of these amenities eliminates the need for individuals to invest their resources, providing a cost-efficient alternative to traditional office setups. In a traditional work setting, acquiring and maintaining such high-tech resources could be a significant financial burden for an individual or a small business.

5. Programs for Professional Growth

There are many ways to improve your skills and learn new things in coworking spaces, which makes them great places for career growth. Through carefully chosen classes, seminars, and skill-building programs, these places keep people updated on the latest field trends and promote a culture of always learning.

Professional growth is easier for people in the coworking community because these kinds of events are easy to get to. This dedication to ongoing education makes members more productive by ensuring they stay up to date on the newest ideas and methods and adds to the coworking ecosystem’s overall intelligence.

the RBA thinks inflation is too high

These days every word of every statement from the Reserve Bank Governor Michele Bullock is pored over in minute detail – as is every word uttered at her press conference after each Reserve Bank board meeting.

Desperate for signals about what the bank will do next, market economists examine every comma, and every adjective, for a hidden meaning.

It’s a bit like divination, the ancient practice of seeking meaning by examining the entrails (internal organs) of a sacrificed sheep or goat.

It’s an approach in which words are assumed to mean something different to what ordinary people think they mean.

For example, one journalist at Tuesday’s post-meeting press conference asked Governor Bullock if the word “vigilant” in her statement meant a rate rise was coming.

Her reply was concise: “No”.

No secrets

The truth is there aren’t hidden secrets.

The Governor has made what she knows and what will drive her board’s decision perfectly plain, not only at Tuesday’s press conference but also in her testimony to a Senate hearing a fortnight ago.

Australia’s consumer price index climbed 1% in the March quarter and 3.6% over the year to the March quarter.

That’s well down from the peak of 7.8% in late 2022, but it’s still well above the bank’s target of between 2% and 3%.

The bank’s written agreement with the treasurer requires it to aim for the midpoint of that target.

While there is room for debate over whether Australia could cope with a slightly higher target, there is at present no political appetite for a change.

This means the bank is obliged to keep interest rates high until it sees clear signs that inflation is headed back to within the target range.

Inflation has been driven by excess demand: too much spending relative to our ability to supply the things on which money has been being spent.

The bank is worried that if we come to expect inflation above its target band it’ll get stuck there as people adjust their spending and wage expectations to take account of it.

Continuing concern about inflation

Interest rates are slowing the economy significantly.

The national accounts show economic growth has all but stalled.

While the bank acknowledged this in its statement on Tuesday, it wasn’t enough to convince it to change course.

The May budget contained new spending on energy and housing aimed at reducing the measured rate of inflation.

Mortgage arrears are rising from record lows, and likely to rise further

Key takeaways

Mortgage arrears have been rising from their COVID lows of just 1.0% in Q3 2022, reaching 1.6% in the March quarter of 2024. This is highest reading on mortgage arrears since Q1 2021.

The average variable interest rate on outstanding owner occupier home loans increased from 2.86% in April 2022 to 6.39% in March 2024, adding nearly $1,600 in monthly repayments for a borrower with $750k debt.

Although mortgage arrears has risen above the series average, most borrowers are maintaining their repayments using savings, working more hours/multiple jobs, and contributing less to mortgage offsets or redrawn facilities.

As unemployment lifts, household savings deplete further and, more broadly, economic conditions navigate a period of weakness. However, arrears are unlikely to experience a material ‘blow out’ unless labour markets weaken substantially more than forecast.

Mortgage arrears have been rising from their COVID lows of just 1.0% in Q3 2022, reaching 1.6% in the March quarter of 2024.

Although this was the highest reading on mortgage arrears since Q1 2021, the portion of loans falling behind on their repayment schedules was slightly higher at the onset of COVID at 1.8%.

Mortgage Arrears

The upward trends in arrears have been most influenced by non-performing loans, where the arrears rate has risen to 0.93%.

A non-performing loan is one that is at least 90 days past due or where the lender expects it won’t be able to collect the full amount due.

The non-performing arrears rate is now slightly higher than it was at the onset of COVID-19 (0.92%) and above the series average of 0.86%.

Borrowers who are 30-89 days overdue on their repayments comprise 0.68% of loans, up from just 0.35% in Q3 2022 but the highest level since Q2 2020.

This early measure of mortgage arrears is now above the series average (0.59%) but still slightly lower than levels recorded at the onset of COVID-19 (0.86%).

A key factor in higher mortgage arrears is of course the sharp rise in the cost of debt.

With the average variable interest rate on outstanding owner-occupier home loans rising from 2.86% in April 2022 to 6.39% in March 2024, a borrower with $750k of debt would be paying nearly $1,600 more each month on their scheduled repayments.

Housing Debt Ratio Vs Interest Rates

But there are other factors at play as well

Cost of living pressures are consuming a larger portion of household income, households are paying more tax than ever before and household savings are being drawn down, eroding the savings buffer accrued through the pandemic.

There is also the fact that households are more sensitive to sharp adjustments in interest rates, given historically high levels of debt, most of which is housing debt.

Loosening labour market conditions would also play a role.

Although each measure of mortgage arrears has risen to be above the series average, which is relatively short at only five years, despite the headwinds outlined above, most borrowers have kept on track with their home loan repayments.

They have done this by drawing down on their savings, working more hours or multiple jobs, and contributing less to mortgage offsets or redrawn facilities.

It is likely mortgage arrears will rise further as unemployment lifts, household savings deplete further and, more broadly, economic conditions navigate a period of weakness.

However, arrears are unlikely to experience a material ‘blowout’ unless labour markets weaken substantially more than forecast.

For homeowners that do fall behind in their repayments, there is a good chance most will be able to sell their assets and clear their debt.

The latest estimates on negative equity from the RBA estimate only around 1% of residential dwellings across Australia would have a debt level that is higher than the value of the home.

With housing values continuing to rise, the risk of negative equity is reducing.

Another factor in low mortgage arrears is likely to be a history of strong underwriting standards from Australian lenders and the prudential regulator, APRA

Borrower serviceability continues to be assessed at a mortgage rate 3.0 percentage points higher than the loan product rate, as has been the case since October 2021 when APRA lifted the serviceability buffer from 2.5 percentage points.

Could rising property prices unlock new supply?

Home prices have surged in recent years, mortgage rates have climbed, and household incomes haven’t kept pace.

As a result, housing affordability has plummeted to its worst level in at least three decades.

Despite a dire shortage of homes, the delivery of much-needed new homes has faced significant obstacles.

Labour shortages, disrupted supply chains, and pandemic-related restrictions have all played a part.

Ms Eleanor Creagh, Senior Economist at PropTrack commented:

“Compounding these issues are pre-existing challenges like delays in planning, limited land availability, and excessive bureaucratic processes.

These delays not only slow down the building process but also contribute to higher construction costs, which are further inflated by rising building material prices and increased financing costs.

These challenges have led to a persistent housing supply deficit, pushing up prices for both existing homes and rentals.

While many hope that housing supply will eventually catch up with demand, per capita building completions and approvals are currently at historic lows.

Unless these challenges and cost pressures ease, delivering enough new houses or apartments will be difficult, and the housing and rental affordability crisis will worsen.”

According to PropTrack’s data, since the pandemic, building input prices have increased by 33.4%, while output prices have risen by 40.1% for houses and 23.2% for apartments.

Prices Of New Houses Vs Established Western Sydney

Although price rises have stabilised in the past year, build costs remain high and continue to increase, albeit at a slower pace.

Prices Of New Units Vs Establised Western Sydney

Ms Creagh explained:

“Higher labour, materials, and financing costs compress margins, resulting in potentially lower returns on investment, which has delayed many projects.

The surge in these costs has pushed up the prices of new builds, with established house and unit price growth in Sydney lagging behind new builds.

This greater price inflation for new builds has increased the premium of buying new housing over existing stock, presenting another challenge for new development.

While there is strong demand for new housing, construction costs have risen so much that in many parts of the country, replacement costs are more expensive than existing homes.

This means buying an existing home in lower-cost new build areas may be more attractive.”

PropTrack’s data highlight that in Sydney, most new house development is occurring in Western Sydney’s 11 local government areas.

Here, the median price of new houses is currently listed at a 21% premium to existing houses for sale.

Potential investors and owner-occupiers considering Western Sydney’s new house and land market may also look at the established market due to the current premium of buying new.

Ms Creagh further explained:

“Of course, buying new homes offers advantages such as maximum depreciation benefits and eligibility for the first homeowner grant scheme, which is not available for established homes.

This dynamic is evident in the unit market as well, creating a difficult environment for the pre-sales necessary for property development finance.

Development financing is a significant hurdle for apartment commencements, and the current environment makes it increasingly difficult to launch large apartment projects despite the need for more supply.

It was also noted that Perth has been the strongest-performing housing market in the country over the past year.

Prices Of New Houses Vs Established Perth

Many of the suburbs seeing the strongest growth in Perth, such as Rockingham, Armadale, Kwinana, Wanneroo, and Mandurah, are regions with lots of new development.

Top 10 Highest Growth Suburbs For Houses Over The Past Year

For example, median values for houses in Armadale have jumped almost 50% in the past year, potentially spurring better demand and pricing conditions for developers of new homes in Perth.

Early signs of a market recovery

Amid strong housing demand, the new homes market shows signs of accepting higher costs, though demand for new developments listed on realestate.com.au remains project-specific.

Glimmers of recovery are evident in new loan commitments, with a 6.0% month-on-month increase in lending for construction and a 10.8% month-on-month increase in lending to purchase newly built dwellings in April 2024, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

This brings the value of new lending to purchase newly built dwellings up 22.4% over the year to April 2024.

Increasing housing supply

It’s clear the cost to build is too high relative to the cost of buying established housing, hindering activity and creating a difficult environment for pre-sales needed to finance large-scale projects.

Aside from developers reducing margins, shifting this dynamic requires a combination of moderating build costs (materials, wages, planning/approvals processes, land acquisition costs, productivity), lower financing costs, and/or continued house price growth.

Ms Creagh noted that:

“While construction cost increases are normalising, they are unlikely to decrease, meaning market participants will need to adjust to this higher input cost environment.

Industry productivity, innovation, and advanced manufacturing techniques have a role to play.”

Australia’s construction industry lags in productivity. Construction productivity today is lower than it was in 1990, and labour productivity growth in the sector has been low (0.3% per year) for over 20 years, a fraction of that in the transport and manufacturing sectors.


Ms Creagh said that in the near term, continued price increases in the established market are the most likely lever to close this gap.

This will allow developers better pricing conditions and increase the viability of capital flows into building new homes.

This is one reason we expect home prices to continue rising in the months ahead.

Efforts to ease development constraints, such as fast-tracking approval processes, reforming planning and zoning restrictions, unlocking land supply, and increasing densities around transport hubs, are both necessary and encouraging.

But until construction cost constraints improve and the gap between new and existing prices narrows, the significant uplift in residential construction activity required will be difficult to achieve.

She further explained:

“As this premium narrows, cost increases stabilise further, and interest rates begin to move lower, project feasibilities will improve, enabling new ventures.

As a result, a recovery in new housing supply should be underway, particularly given the current strong demand for housing.

However, all these factors will take time to materialise in new approvals and subsequent new supply coming online, meaning upward pressure on rents and existing home prices will remain until new supply becomes available.”

About Brett Warren
Brett Warren is National Director of Metropole Properties and uses his two decades of property investment experience to advise clients how to grow, protect and pass on their wealth through strategic property advice.
How to prevent paying too much tax on a business sale

No one ever sets up a business with the intention to fail.

Rather, entrepreneurial types are motivated by a multitude of factors such as personal drive and ambition or a desire to work for themselves or to create a particular product or service.

Sometimes it’s as simple as wanting to be in charge of our personal financial destinies.

Whatever the reason, going into business is a big deal because it can go spectacularly well or spectacularly bad.

One of the issues that I have regularly come across, even with successful businesses, is a lack of understanding of the importance of ownership structures from the outset.

Let’s consider a real-life example to illustrate my point.

Taxing problem

Ben operates a successful construction company with his business partner Glenn.

The pair set up the business some 10 years ago when they were both single, which meant they were advised to own the company shares in their own names.

Regardless of their marital status, this was incorrect advice from the start, because what it has meant is that they have been paying the highest marginal tax rate on any dividends ever since.

Losing those funds to unnecessary tax has meant they have been unable to invest it elsewhere or fund their lifestyles, which now include their own families.

The business has been going great guns, which attracted a potential buyer who offered a very good price to buy it.

This was when Ben and Glenn came to see me, but the news I had for them wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

The purchaser only wanted the goodwill and plant and equipment – and not the shares in the company – as they did not want to be at risk on any company liabilities.

This meant the company would receive the cash, but it would not get the benefit of the 50 per cent General Capital Gains Tax (CGT) discount because only individuals and certain trusts get this benefit.

Likewise, some of the funds would be paid out via the Small Business Tax Concession but the remainder would need to be paid as a dividend, which again would attract a total 47 per cent tax rate with all the receipts going to Ben and Glenn.

The sale, while good in theory, would mean that Ben and Glenn would have paid about $150,000 each in avoidable tax – on top of having paid hundreds of thousands of additional taxes over the past 10 years because of the incorrect business structure.

Rates on hold but mortgage arrears rising

Key takeaways

The cash rate was held firm at 4.35% in June, and is now 1.8 percentage points higher than the pre-COVID decade average of 2.56%.

The RBA’s stance seems largely unchanged relative to the May meeting, with some ‘sideways’ inflationary risks remaining. However, the RBA has called for further improvement in productivity growth if inflation is to continue to decline.

Financial markets are forecasting a 25 basis point cut in November 2024.

Although the cash rate has risen by 425 basis points, variable mortgage rates haven’t seen quite the same lift. This is because borrowers are shopping around for the best rates.

The cash rate was held firm at 4.35% in June, having been at this level since the 25- basis point rise in November last year, and up 425 basis points since the record low of just 0.1% between November 2020 and April 2022.

For some longer-term context, the current cash rate setting is 1.8 percentage points higher than the pre-COVID decade average of 2.56%.

The RBA’s stance seems largely unchanged relative to the May meeting.


Although headline inflation remained well above the top end of the target range at 3.6% over the year to March, mostly due to the stubbornly high services sector, the RBA has been clear that household spending has pulled back, wages growth is easing as labour conditions gradually loosen and some signs of productivity improvements have emerged.

However, the RBA has noted some ‘upside’ inflationary risks remain, highlighting recent budget outcomes could influence demand despite a temporary reduction in inflationary pressures from federal and state energy rebates.

The RBA called out the need for further improvement in productivity growth if inflation is to continue to decline.

The consensus among economists is that rate hikes are finished and the next move from the RBA will be a cut, but the timing is highly uncertain.

Financial markets, based on the ASX cash rate futures, have brought forward the timing of a rate cut from around mid-year 2025 to a fully priced-in cut by March of next year.

Meanwhile, three of the big four banks’ economic units are forecasting a 25 basis point cut in November 2024.

Although the cash rate has risen by 425 basis points, variable mortgage rates haven’t seen quite the same lift.

The average variable mortgage rate for a new owner-occupier loan has risen to an estimated 6.27% in June, a rise of 386 basis points since April.

Similarly, the average variable mortgage rate on a new investor loan has risen by 382 basis points to an estimated 6.53%.

The smaller rise in variable mortgage rates relative to the cash rate reflects a heightened level of competition among lenders; no doubt borrowers are shopping around for the best rates.

Housing markets seem to be somewhat insulated from higher interest rates, with CoreLogic’s Home Value Index continuing to rise through June, and the combined capitals daily index already 0.4% higher over the first 18 days of the month.

The RBA made a point of calling out an increase in household wealth via higher housing prices which, together with a rise in disposable incomes, could support household spending.

Home Resales

Similarly, the volume of home sales is tracking higher than a year ago and above the five-year average, demonstrating consistently strong demand from purchasers despite an array of headwinds including high interest rates, cost of living pressures, low sentiment and stretched affordability.

Most borrowers are keeping their mortgage repayments on track, but the latest data from APRA for the March quarter shows mortgage arrears are trending higher, albeit from a low base and remaining lower than pre-COVID levels.

Mortgage arrears, including non-performing loans and borrowers that are 30-89 days overdue in their repayments, comprise 1.6% of home loans for all ADIs.

This is up from a recent low of just 1.0% in the September quarter of 2022 but below the 1.8% level recorded at the onset of COVID in March 2020.

With interest rates set to hold at their current levels until at least late this year, alongside a gradual loosening in labour market conditions and reduced saving buffers for most borrowers, it’s likely mortgage arrears will rise further.

Governments passing the buck on housing crisis while raking in tens of billions in property taxes

Key takeaways

About 175,000 households are on waiting lists for public or community housing across Australia, up by 20,000 since 2014, data analysis by PIPA shows. More than a third of people seeking urgent assistance from governments are turned away.

The number of social housing dwellings as a proportion of total housing stock has been declining over the past decade, but State and Local Governments have raked in $68 billion in property taxes.

Research shows that 640,000 families are living in unsuitable housing due to cost pressures, and this number could increase by 2041.

Governments are using private investors as scapegoats for a shocking underinvestment in social housing while raking in tens of billions of dollars in property taxes each year, according to the Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA).

Right now, about 175,000 households are on waiting lists for public or community housing across Australia, up by 20,000 since 2014, data analysis by PIPA shows.

More than a third of people (35 per cent) seeking urgent assistance from governments are turned away, up sharply from 29 per cent in 2016.

Despite that, Australia’s total social housing stock of 430,000 dwellings has barely changed in the past 25 years.

“What has shifted is the number of people needing housing, with the country’s population surging by 33 per cent in the past two decades,” PIPA Chair Nicola McDougall said.

Housing Crisis 2

Declining social housing proportion

Data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows the number of social housing dwellings as a proportion of total housing stock “has seen a steady decline” over the past decade, slumping to 4.1 per cent in 2022.

However, State and Local Governments collectively raked in some $68 billion in property taxes, including stamp duty and land tax but not Capital Gains Tax, according to the ATO Taxation Revenue for the 2022/2023 financial year – a staggering increase of 73 per cent over the past decade.

During the same year, governments invested just 1.4 per cent of total revenue into housing and community amenities, according to the ATO.

The AIHW data shows the proportions of social housing compared to total housing stock fell to less than five per cent in the four biggest states:

  • 4.7 per cent in New South Wales
  • 2.9 per cent in Victoria
  • 3.5 per cent in Queensland
  • 3.9 per cent in Western Australia

Each of these states has recorded falls in the previous 10 years.