How Long Should A Relationship Break Be? A Therapist Answers

Let’s face it. Relationships can be extremely overwhelming and draining at times. Especially when you and your partner are unsure of the way forward, need to gain clarity regarding your life goals, or simply need a break from each other to figure things out. But how long should a relationship break be to make things work? More importantly, are you sure your relationship will work for the better if you decide to take a break? Or are you wondering how to take a step back in a relationship and still be in touch?

In this article, we will explore such questions about relationship breaks and more, with the help of counselor Ruchi Ruuh (Postgraduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology), who specializes in counseling for issues related to dating, infidelity, marital conflict, and divorce. We will also get a gist of the relationship break rules. So, let’s not wait any longer and dive straight in to find out if hitting the pause button on your relationship is a good idea and when…

What Does Taking A Break Mean In A Relationship

Studies by the Gottman Institute suggest taking a break to avoid or better manage and resolve conflicting situations in relationships may be a good idea indeed. In fact, such studies believe you can “love smarter” when you choose to take a breather to reassess the relationship, make the relationship work, or get back on track.

But what does taking a break mean in a relationship or imply for couples? Ruchi explains, “Taking a break means one or both people in the relationship deciding to step back from the romantic aspect of the relationship but maintaining some sort of limited communication. It can also mean spending time away from your partner but regrouping for just a designated amount of time periodically.” So, in a way, breaks offer temporary respite from relationship issues. 

Stepping back from a relationship can be tough

Can a break help a relationship?

So, now we know that breaks are normal and not such a big deal in relationships. But can a break help a relationship to grow or change in a positive way, or does it harm it in the long run? Do such breaks lead to stronger bonds? What are some valid reasons to take a break in a relationship? Ruchi offers a good look at how such breaks are beneficial to relationships:

  • A break allows both the individuals involved to seek and understand the relationship and assess the relationship dynamics and personal issues. It thus helps you find answers to questions such as, “Is your relationship healthy?”
  • It allows for personal growth, and partners can look for nurturing themselves individually
  • Taking a break can also help people in creating some sort of boundaries, be it physical or emotional, which might help them reevaluate the relationship, which wouldn’t have otherwise been possible
  • Breaks allow people to spend time gaining clarity about their personal goals, values, and needs and find out if they align with those of their partners’
  • Breaks also help people realize and address issues such as relationship instability that may cause the relationship to suffer in future
  • Breaks can help a couple go through the sudden changes of an uncalled-for long-distance relationship due to a job change or relocation

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How Long Should A Relationship Break Be — A Therapist Reveals The Answer

Now that you have the answer to what does taking a break mean in a relationship, are you wondering, “How long should a relationship break last?” A Reddit user, who has taken a break in a relationship, narrates her tale, “My husband and I took a break for 7 months. It was helpful in some ways and damaging in others… in the end we both missed our life together and decided to be back together and we are still together. I can say, I wish I would have never taken the break… there were things that we both did while apart that was damaging to our relationship now. But on the other hand… what if we didn’t take a break? Maybe we would have never started to appreciate each other again…”

Related Reading: 5 Reasons Why Taking a Break in A Relationship is Healthy

In her case, the break was moderately long and lasted for months. Thankfully, it made both her and her husband realize the importance of their relationship. But how long do such breaks last really? And how long should a relationship break be for it to be impactful? Is there ‘a one size fits all’ timeline? 

Infographic on how long should a relationship break be
Breaks in a relationship

Ruchi says, “Breaks in relationships can last for a few days, weeks, or even months, and depends on quite a few factors. The main factor that determines the period of the break is the reason why a couple is seeking the break and their own needs and expectations from it.” She then goes on to differentiate between a few such cases:

1. A break to understand the complexity of the relationship – A few months

The answer to how long should a relationship break last can be tricky. A break that is intended to find out the root causes that are harming the relationship can last for several months. 

Ruchi says, “One of the reasons to take a break in a relationship is to ascertain the causes behind trust issues or difference of values, where a couple needs to sit down and explore the issue and address the concerns.” In such cases, both the partners may need ample time for self-reflection, therapy, or even speaking to confidantes, friends, and family. 

Almost everything will work if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.

– Anne Lamott

2. Breaks for personal growth – A few weeks

A lot of people take breaks for personal growth, or to focus on themselves. Such breaks may be shorter. They may last for a few weeks. Ruchi says, “In such cases, people can go for a short solo retreat to explore themselves better before getting back with their partners.” 

Related Reading: Expert Tips – How To Reconnect After A Relationship Break

3. A break to deal with work-related stress – A few weeks to months

At times, as Ruchi says, “One of the reasons to take a break in a relationship may be to deal with work-related issues.” Such breaks may last anytime from a few weeks to months. They may even be longer, depending on the complexity of the work/project. 

My cousin, Andrea, faced a similar issue. She felt she could not juggle too many balls at once, and decided she needed time to handle a particularly stressful time in her professional life before rejuvenating her relationship with her husband.

4. Breaks to establish boundaries – A few weeks

If a couple is struggling with boundaries, it may consist of one person having the need for constant communication, which gets overwhelming for the other person. Ruchi says, “So, if the other person can’t deal with the communication overload, they may need enough time to get back into their shell and process their feelings. This can be a short break, after which the other person gets back with enough self-reflection and new ideas to enforce boundaries in the relationship.”

how long should a relationship break last
How long should a relationship break last?

5. Breaks to reconsider commitment – A few weeks to a couple of months

One of the reasons to take a break in a relationship could be the need to reassess the commitment. Couples with one partner in a perpetual commitment phobia can also take breaks. If you’re often left asking, “How long should a relationship break last?”, well, remember, in such cases, such breaks may last from a few weeks to a couple of months. 

So, both partners get enough time to re-evaluate the relationship and decide whether they wish to commit long-term. Ruchi says, “Such breaks should only end when both have decided whether they are confident to go ahead with the relationship or drift apart.”

Relationship Break Rules To Make It Work In Your Favor

Sharing her reasons for going on a relationship break, a Reddit user says, “My SO wasn’t ready to commit for long term without exploring his “bachelor” side. We were apart for 2 months, and he asked for me back after going on some dates and realizing I was the shit.

“Yes, I trust he didn’t do anything else, and even if he had, that was part of the understanding. There was never an obligation to resume the relationship, but we agreed it’s what we both wanted.”

Related Reading: How To Deal With Taking A Break In A Relationship – 7 Rules

So, you see, a break in a relationship without any intention can be meaningless. Ruchi says, “There’s no use of a break if you don’t know why you’re taking it and how it can help you.” So, one must be certain of the cause of such breaks.

Here are a few relationship break rules that Ruchi shares to make such breaks work, especially if you’re in a long-term relationship. So, if you’re clueless about how to take a step back in a relationship and still make it work, read on:

  • Define the purpose of the break: It’s crucial to discuss the goals, concerns, needs, and expectations associated with the break, so that both understand and are on the same page
  • Set a timeline: It’s wise to not make the separation indefinite or ambiguous. Whether it should last for a week, a month, or 6 months, determine a timeline, as that will help you both gain clarity. Both partners would know when to regroup and talk about the future of the relationship
  • Set boundaries: It’s very important that you communicate to each other how you want to keep in contact during the temporary separation or break. For instance, set ground rules about communication ideas, like a phone call every other day, a good morning text, or video calls. Likewise, communicate whether seeing other people is allowed
  • Respect each other’s personal space and independence: While it’s important to maintain connection, you should also avoid excess communication or intrusiveness during the break. Let them pursue their personal goals and make sure that your boundaries are also respected
  • Avoid misunderstandings: If you decide to go no-contact for a long time, make sure that you’ve had an open communication about it with your partner. Also make sure they don’t misunderstand a temporary break as a breakup and seek romantic solace somewhere else. Avoid misunderstandings in a healthy way

Related Reading: 15 Signs You Need a Break From Relationship

  • Use the break for self-improvement: Work on personal growth and self-care. Try and achieve work goals, go on a holiday, seek therapy, spend time with friends, or pursue a hobby. But make sure you don’t waste the time the break offers
  • Seek emotional support: Often one partner is enthusiastic about a break, while the other isn’t. If you’re feeling left out, because this isn’t something you wanted, seek support from family, friends, or a therapist. Seek their perspective, guidance, and emotional support
  • Regroup: If needed, check on each other and regroup from time to time, even within the break, to see if things are going on track. Stay connected in some sort of way
  • Understand that the relationship might change after the break: Whether it’s a brief break or a long one, be aware that when the break ends, your values, thoughts, and priorities might change. Both partners should be ready for these changes to happen. The break may make you a better person or may make you take realistic decisions not based on emotions. Be ready to accept the change to avoid shock and take care of your mental health. You can opt for couples therapy if you want.
Relationship Advice

Key Pointers

  • What does taking a break mean in a relationship? It implies hitting ‘pause’ on the romantic aspects and taking time apart to focus on the bigger picture
  • A break in a relationship can make or break the relationship in the long run
  • How can a break help a relationship? By allowing for personal growth and the time and space to comprehend the relationship
  • How long should a relationship break be? It depends on the couple and their intentions
  • Some clear rules to be followed in relationship breaks are: defining the need for the break, being on the same page, setting boundaries, and avoiding misunderstandings

Relationship breaks can work like magic in some cases. But if not handled properly, they may lead to permanent cracks even in a healthy relationship, eventually leading to the relationship ending on a sour note. The success of a break depends on a lot of soul-searching and introspection. 

Blaming the other person for all the relationship issues isn’t going to work. Instead, pausing the relationship to realize the real issues plaguing the relationship can be beneficial. After all, what’s the point of a break if it doesn’t reveal a few things about you and the relationship. We hope, through this article, we have been able to answer your burning questions such as “How long should a relationship break be?” or “Do relationship breaks really help?” Remember, it’s eventually you and your partner who are to decide the terms and length of the break and how to take a step back in a relationship and still get back together.

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Experience a Romantic Weekend in Chicago

Planning the perfect romantic weekend doesn’t always mean jetting off to a far-flung destination. Sometimes, the most unforgettable experiences are right in your backyard. Chicago, with its stunning skyline and vibrant culture, offers countless opportunities for romance. From scenic bike rides along the lake to intimate dinners at award-winning restaurants, the city has everything you need to create cherished memories.

Imagine starting your day with a stroll down The Magnificent Mile, exploring historic sites and luxury boutiques. Lunch at a cozy spot like The Purple Pig, sharing small plates and savoring the moment, sets the tone for a day filled with love. As evening falls, the city’s romantic restaurants and cocktail bars with sweeping views provide the perfect backdrop for an enchanting night out. Whether it’s the charming Gold Coast area or a luxurious hotel stay, Chicago knows how to set the mood for love.

Planning Your Romantic Weekend in Chicago

Opt for a weekend in Chicago to explore breathtaking views, delicious food, and luxurious stays.

Choosing the Right Time to Visit

While Chicago charms in any season, the ideal times are spring (April to June) and fall (September to November). Mild temperatures and colorful scenery create a perfect romantic backdrop. Summer festivals and winter holiday lights also offer unique experiences. For fewer crowds and lower rates, consider a mid-week visit.

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Getting Around the City

Navigating Chicago is straightforward with its efficient public transportation. The “L” trains and buses cover most attractions. For a more intimate experience, rent bikes and ride along the Lakefront Trail. Taxis and rideshare services keep travel stress-free. Many luxury hotels, like those in the Gold Coast area, are centrally located, making walking a viable and scenic option.

Romantic Accommodations in Chicago

Exploring romantic hotels in Chicago adds an extra layer of charm to any weekend getaway. Whether you’re seeking cozy, boutique lodgings or lavish, luxury options, Chicago offers accommodations tailored to create unforgettable experiences for couples.

Boutique Hotels for a Cozy Stay

Boutique hotels provide an intimate and charming environment, perfect for a romantic weekend. Chicago Athletic Association transports guests to a centennial library with wooden bookshelves and fireplaces in The Drawing Room. Sip on your favorite drink and snack on a meal while soaking in the historical ambiance.

For a unique experience, check out the Hyde Park neighborhood’s literary-themed Sophy Hotel. Decorated with local art and bookish charm, it’s a perfect spot for a cozy, thoughtful stay. Another excellent choice is the Publishing House Bed and Breakfast. Nestled in the West Loop, it offers a warm, inviting atmosphere with gourmet breakfasts and personalized service.

Luxury Options for Ultimate Comfort

For those wanting ultimate comfort, Chicago’s luxury hotels offer top-tier amenities and romantic settings. The Four Seasons Chicago, located near Michigan Avenue, offers exclusive experiences like the Skylight Swim. Enjoy private access to a 50-foot indoor pool and jacuzzi, champagne, and canapés, making it an unforgettable night.

At the Park Hyatt, diners at NoMI Kitchen savor fresh American contemporary cuisine with stunning views of Lake Michigan. The window tables are among the city’s most romantic dining spots. The hotel itself is renowned for its luxurious rooms and impeccable service.

Another remarkable choice is The Langham, Chicago. This hotel features elegant, spacious rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the cityscape. Pay a visit to the Chuan Spa for rejuvenating treatments, adding a relaxing touch to your romantic weekend. Anchoring any romantic weekend in Chicago, picking the right accommodation sets the stage for creating lasting memories.

Activities for Couples in Chicago

Couples looking to ignite their passion will find an array of romantic activities in Chicago. From stunning architecture to intimate dining venues, there’s something for everyone.

Explore the City’s Architecture and Parks

Chicago’s iconic skyscrapers and breathtaking parks offer perfect settings for romantic strolls and memorable moments. Millennium Park, home to the famous Cloud Gate sculpture, provides scenic walking paths and art installations. For those who appreciate architecture, the Chicago Riverwalk showcases the city’s impressive skyline and historical buildings. Walking along the Lakefront Trail gives couples picturesque views of Lake Michigan and the city’s horizon.

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Enjoy Intimate Dining Experiences

Chicago’s dining scene is rich with intimate venues perfect for couples. Geja’s Cafe, known for its cozy ambiance and four-course fondue dinners, has been a favorite for over 50 years. Couples can enjoy exquisite selections like beef tenderloin, lobster tail, and sea scallops. For French cuisine lovers, Bistro Campagne offers a warm interior and a charming outdoor patio, ideal for a romantic evening. A variety of Michelin-starred restaurants and rooftop eateries also provide unique dining experiences with stunning views of the city.

Take a Scenic Boat Tour

A scenic boat tour on the Chicago River or Lake Michigan offers couples unparalleled views of the city’s architecture and skyline. These tours allow an intimate setting while learning about Chicago’s history and landmarks. For a more romantic touch, evening cruises provide breathtaking views as the city lights reflect on the water. Whether it’s a daytime architectural tour or a sunset sail, a boat tour is a quintessential Chicago experience for couples.

Evening Entertainment for Two

Chicago offers many options for a romantic evening out. Enjoy fine dining, live music, or a comedy show for a memorable night with your special someone.

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Discover Jazz and Live Music Venues

Chicago’s jazz scene is legendary. One of my favorite spots is the Green Mill Cocktail Lounge. This historic venue, once frequented by Al Capone, boasts an intimate setting perfect for couples. For a modern twist, try Andy’s Jazz Club where talented musicians deliver electrifying performances nightly. If you’d rather have a diverse mix of genres, check out the House of Blues. Located near several romantic hotels in Chicago, it offers a vibrant atmosphere and a full dinner menu, making it a one-stop spot for both dining and entertainment.

Laugh Together at a Comedy Show

For those who prefer laughter, Chicago’s comedy scene won’t disappoint. The renowned Second City is a great place to start. Known for launching the careers of numerous comedians, this theater presents top-notch improv and sketch comedy. Another venue, Zanies Comedy Club in Old Town, offers an intimate setting with frequent performances by stand-up comedians. It’s a cozy place to share a night of laughter and create lasting memories.

Unforgettable Romantic Gestures

Creating memories through heartfelt gestures adds a special charm to any romantic weekend. Chicago offers numerous opportunities for expressing love in unique ways.

Stroll Along Lake Michigan at Sunset

A walk along Lake Michigan at sunset provides a breathtaking backdrop. The serene water, accompanied by the changing hues of the sky, creates an ambiance that’s both calming and romantic. Lakefront trails offer convenient routes for leisurely walks. For an added touch, consider visiting Millennium Park located nearby. Holding hands as you explore this iconic area amplifies the experience.

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Visit the City’s Iconic Observation Decks

Observation decks in Chicago offer unparalleled views of the city’s skyline and Lake Michigan. The Skydeck at Willis Tower and 360 Chicago at the former John Hancock Building provide sweeping views from staggering heights. Standing together while observing the bustling city below makes for a memorable moment. If timing permits, try visiting during sunset to witness the city transition into night, enhancing the romantic atmosphere

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11 Heartbreaking Signs Your Husband Misses His Affair Partner

The realization that your husband has been cheating on you comes as a massive blow that makes you feel like the life you’ve built so painstakingly is crumbling before your eyes. You’re left grappling with a whirlwind of emotions — hurt, anger, shame, and pain — and may struggle to find a way forward. The aftermath of infidelity is a hellish experience for both the cheater and the betrayed spouse. It becomes even more unbearable if you begin to see signs your husband misses his affair partner.

That’s because if he is still pining for her, there is a good chance your husband still has feelings for affair partner. Talk about adding insult to injury. Now, given the fragile emotional state you’d likely be in ever since you started seeing the signs your husband is having an affair only to have your worst fears come true, it’s important to make sure that you’re reading the situation right.

Does he miss the other woman or is it merely remorse or cheating guilt manifesting in different ways? It’s imperative to know the difference to deal with the situation effectively. To help you make the distinction, I shine the light on some of the most common signs a married man has feelings for his mistress and misses her, with insights from relationship experts and couples counselors.

11 Signs Your Husband Misses His Affair Partner — Heartbreaking But True

A friend of mind — let’s call her Jane — found herself faced with the dreadful reality that her husband of 13 years had fallen in love with his affair partner and pined for her almost a year after he supposedly ended the affair when she heard him mumbling her name in his sleep. It was, then, that she started paying closer attention to his behavior, and it became clear to her that while her husband had chosen to stay married to her, he was merely going through the motions since.

She confided in me one day, “I can’t remember the last time he genuinely laughed or felt excited by something. It’s like I’m living with the shell of the man he used to be. The signs my husband wants another woman are clear as day. It breaks my heart to see him, to see us, live this way. Why does he miss the other woman so much? Why aren’t I good enough for him?”

Jane, ultimately, decided that there was no point dragging on a dead marriage and they parted ways. Coming to terms with the fact that her husband missed his affair partner even after ending things with her was harder for her to come to terms with than the incident of infidelity itself. She is still working through post-infidelity stress disorder and trying to rebuild her life.

When your husband misses his affair partner, there will be an inevitable emotional distance between you

Weighing in on why this happens, psychotherapist Dr. Aman Bhonsle says, “The signs your husband misses his affair partner emerge only if that relationship was rooted in intense feelings. If he felt supported and better understood in that connection, there was trust and good sexual chemistry, he may long for his affair partner even if chose to end that relationship for whatever reasons.”

Now, the question is, how do you find out if something similar has been happening in your marriage? Here are some heartbreaking but accurate signs your husband misses his affair partner you ought to pay attention to: 

1. He seems emotionally withdrawn

Does he miss the other woman? This question is bound to cross your mind, particularly if you’re trying to reconcile and rebuild your relationship after infidelity. One of the most telling indicators that your husband still has feelings for affair partner and misses her is that he becomes emotionally withdrawn.

  • He may not want to communicate with you
  • He may shy away from spending time with you
  • He may seem preoccupied
  • He may exhibit signs of emotional numbness

A man may struggle to figure out how to get over an affair partner if that relationship was rooted in a deep emotional connection. If he and his affair partner stuck by each other through thick and thin, helped each other in times of crisis and became a source of support and comfort, a man may miss that genuine give-and-take of care and compassion.

Relationship and intimacy coach Shivanya Yogmaya

2. He is irritable and moody

Another one of the clear signs your husband misses his affair partner is that the decision to end that relationship has taken a toll on his emotional well-being. As a result, he may become more irritable and moodier. Counseling psychologist Anugrah Edmonds says, “Unresolved feelings for an affair partner can lead to a relationship dynamic of stonewalling. It can cause extreme mood swings and make men lose control over their emotions, leading to irritability and angry outbursts.” 

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3. He compares you to his affair partner

To heal from the blow of infidelity, both partners need to put the incident behind them and not drudge it up over and over again once they’ve processed their emotions and decided to give their relationship another chance. However, if your partner invariably brings up his affair partner, often as a way of comparing you to her (and she always comes out looking good in that comparison), it’s one of the undeniable signs he misses his affair partner. It also indicates that he was deeply invested in that relationship — perhaps, to the point that he was considering leaving marriage for affair partner — and is struggling to get over her.

4. You can sense that he feels trapped in the marriage

Statistics suggest that only 5-7% of people leave their spouses for a long-term relationship/marriage with their affair partners. In the majority of cases, when push comes to shove, people choose marriage over extramarital affairs. Dr. Bhonsle says, “This could be due to a variety of reasons such as societal disapproval, family pressure, not wanting to put the children through the agony of a divorce, or not disrupting the logistical support offered by the spouse.”

However, just because he chose to end the affair doesn’t mean that all the feelings he had for that person will go away instantly. If your husband was emotionally invested, he may struggle to figure out how to get over an affair partner. Or if he was planning on leaving marriage for affair partner, all those dashed hopes and dreams may make him miserable. As a result, you may begin to see clear signs he feels trapped in the marriage, these include:

  • Avoiding spending time at home
  • Being cold toward you
  • Making jokes about how terrible marriage is
  • Not talking about the future
  • A brow-beaten, resigned demeanor

Related Reading: 12 Signs An Affair Is Turning Into Love

5. He hasn’t made an effort to repair his relationship with you

While possible, repairing a relationship after cheating is no joke. Understandably, the lion’s share of the responsibility falls on the cheating partner. As counseling psychologist Jui Pimple says, “If you have broken your partner’s trust, you have to work hard to earn it back.”

However, if your partner has taken no initiative to make amends or work toward rebuilding trust and repairing his relationship with you ever since you’ve navigated the turmoil of spotting the signs your husband is having an affair to actually uncovering his transgressions, it could be because his heart’s not in it. This is one of the clearest signs a married man has feelings for his mistress and misses her.

6. He is still secretive about his phone

As you begin to notice the signs your husband is having an affair and then go on to discover his infidelity, trust gets completely shattered. To be able to heal from this setback, you need to work on rebuilding the trust. Counseling psychologist Ridhi Golecha says, “Both partners need to commit to total transparency and honesty if they want to rebuild the lost trust.” However, if your husband is still grappling with the question of how to get over an affair partner and yearns for her, he may not make good on this promise.

infographic on Signs Your Husband Misses His Affair Partner
11 Signs Your Husband Misses His Affair Partner

7. He gets defensive

When recovering from the setback of infidelity, a couple has to have several difficult conversations. As the betrayed partner, you may have several questions to ask your unfaithful spouse, and if he committed to rebuilding the relationship, he will answer these questions and try to assuage your concerns.

However, if your husband gets defensive and irritable whenever you bring up his transgressions and doesn’t want to hear a word against his affair partner, it’s a worrying sign. You may wonder, “Why does my husband defend his affair partner?” Well, because he likely still has feelings for her and missed having her in his life. The signs of his emotional investment in the other woman cannot get more glaring than that.  

8. He stalks his affair partner on social media

My college roommate and best friend, Shirley, found out that her husband was having an affair with his. To give the marriage another chance and start afresh, the couple moved to Canada. Five years and two kids later, she chanced upon the woman’s name in her husband’s Facebook search history. She became vigilant and started tracking his social media activity on the sly.

To her dismay, she found that her husband would stalk his ex and former affair partner for hours every day. “Why does he miss the other woman so much even after all this time? What does this mean for my marriage? I upended my entire life to give this relationship another chance, and now I don’t know what to do,” she said.

If you notice something similar in the post-infidelity phase of your marriage, it should put you on the alert. Social media stalking is a clear indicator of residual feelings and the fact that your husband hasn’t been able to figure out how to get over an affair partner.

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9. The intimacy in your relationship has taken a hit

Rebuilding intimacy after the storm of infidelity has shaken up the very foundation of your relationship is not easy. Counseling psychologist Nandita Rambhia says, “Most couples experience awkwardness when trying to be intimate after one partner’s unfaithfulness has come to light because there are a lot of mental blocks that can impede emotional connection and sexual intimacy.”

However, in cases where the cheating partner has truly moved on from the affair, there is an intent as well as a sincere effort to bridge this gap and make amends. On the other hand, if your husband is still emotionally hung up on his affair partner, he may show no interest in reviving emotional and physical intimacy in the relationship. If you’ve been asking, “What are the signs my husband wants another woman?”, this is the one you need to look out for.

10.  He reminisces about his affair partner with close friends or a confidant

signs a married man has feelings for his mistress
Ending an affair doesn’t mean that all the feelings he had for that person will go away instantly

It’s unlikely that your husband will be so audacious as you reminisce about the other woman in front of you or talk about her in a way that leaves you wondering, “Why does my husband defend his affair partner?” However, if he does still have feelings for her and misses her, he might let all the longing and heartache slip in front of close friends or a confidant he trusts with his life.

If you’re looking for signs your husband misses his affair partner, it can help to test how the people in his inner circle react to the mention of that woman. Of course, only if you trust them and know that they know about your spouse’s transgression. Anything short of a resounding reiteration of the fact that he regrets his actions and has put the affair behind him is a red flag that your husband hasn’t yet figured out how to get over an affair partner.

Related Reading: 21 Heartbreaking Signs Your Husband Doesn’t Value You And How To Cope

11.  He prioritizes everything except your marriage

Does he miss the other woman? What are the signs my husband wants another woman? Do these questions weigh on your mind? Well, that, in itself, is an indicator that something is amiss. These questions are the outcome of your instincts picking up on his lack of investment in the marriage and desire to be with the other woman.

If that relationship was intense enough that your husband was considering leaving marriage for affair partner and has decided to stay only because of societal or familial obligations and pressures, he will make no real effort to repair his relationship with you. In this case, he may prioritize everything — his work, his friends, his parents, your kids, his hobbies — over your marriage. Being so checked out from the marriage is among the glaring signs your husband misses his affair partner.

There is no easy way to come to terms with the fact that perhaps your husband was considering leaving marriage for affair partner and has stayed back only because he felt compelled to or deal with the signs your husband misses his affair partner.

However, Dr. Bhonsle says, “Remember, you always have a choice. The choice available to you may not be pleasant, comfortable, or what you had hoped for, which is why exploring it can seem daunting. But it’s always there.” With that in mind, let’s explore what you can do if you discover that your husband still has feelings for his affair partner and misses her.

On Extramarital Affairs

What To Do If Your Husband Still Has Feelings For Affair Partner

“I see the signs my husband wants another woman and I just don’t care,” said no woman ever. The realization that your husband is harboring feelings for the other woman and misses having her in his life can be just as traumatic as the discovery of the affair, if not more. So, how do you deal with this and find a way forward?

Allow yourself to experience whatever feelings, emotions, and thoughts this realization brings up, and find a way to express them. Remember, it’s okay to be angry, hurt, or in pain.

Counseling psychologist Dhriti Bhavsar

Only once you’ve worked through the emotional turmoil brought on by your husband’s emotional investment in his affair partner can you begin to look for a way forward. For this, Dhriti offers the following tips:

  • Have a conversation with your husband: This might just be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do, but there is no alternative to a direct conversation once you see the signs your husband misses his affair partner. Tell them that you’ve noticed that he still pines for her and discuss what it means for the future of your marriage
  • Remember it takes two to make a marriage work: Your husband’s response will tell you all you need to know about the fate of your marriage. You cannot keep a relationship afloat single-handedly, and if your husband shows no interest in making things work, you might just have to accept that it’s the end of the road to your marital journey. On the other hand, if he admits to missing his affair partner and says he needs time to work through his feelings and reconnect with you, there’s still hope
  • Consider couples therapy: Rebuilding a marriage in the aftermath of an affair can be a tall order, and often, people lack the wherewithal to navigate it on their own. If you see hope for reconciliation despite your husband’s lingering feelings for this affair partner, going into couples therapy may be your best bet for turning a corner. If you’re looking for expert help to navigate this turmoil, Bonobology’s counseling services are here for you·
  • Be kind to yourself: Along with hurt and anger, a partner’s infidelity inevitably brings feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy in its wake. As you watch your husband pine for his affair partner, you’re bound to go down the rabbit hole of, “Why am I not good enough for him?” In moments like these, you need to be kind to yourself and commit to taking care of yourself, emotionally as well as physically

Key Pointers

  • Your husband may miss his affair partner if that relationship was rooted in intense feelings
  • Signs your husband missed his affair partner include being emotionally withdrawn, irritable, and moody, feeling trapped in the marriage, and not making an effort to repair his relationship with you
  • If you realize that your husband misses his affair partner, have a conversation with him about it. His response will tell you all you need to know about the fate of your marriage
  • If you see a glimmer of hope that he wants to work through his complicated emotional state to reconnect with you, consider couples therapy
  • Through it all, be kind to yourself and commit to taking care of yourself

If you could relate to most or all of the signs your husband misses his affair partner, I’m extremely sorry for what you’re going through right now. This is a difficult time, no doubt, but know that it will pass. As Hal Borland says, “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”


1. How long will it take my husband to get over his affair partner?

It’s hard to offer a specific timeline for how long it takes a man to get over his affair partner, as the answer to the question depends on a variety of factors such as the emotional connection he shared with his affair partner, the length and nature of the affair, the state of his relationship with his spouse, and his own personality and emotional baggage. However, in the case of long-term affairs, it can take anywhere up to a year to bounce back emotionally.

2. Does a man miss his affair partner?

If a man shared a deep connection with his affair partner, was emotionally attached to her and not just in it for physical needs, and felt supported, understood, and loved by her, he will miss his affair partner.

I Can’t Forget My Husband’s Affair And I Feel Tormented

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My Husband Still Talks To The Woman He Cheated On Me With

Ask Our Expert

150 Thinking Of You Quotes For Your Special Someone

When you have that special someone in your life — be it a spouse, a romantic partner, or even a crush — their thoughts take up a lot of your mind space. Wouldn’t it be great to let them know how their thoughts catch you unawares and make you long for them? A perfect way to let someone know how special they are to you and deepen your connection. But do you find yourself falling short of words to sum up your emotions? These thinking of you quotes fill the gap and lend voice to your feelings.

In this vast and eclectic mix of quotes to let someone know you are thinking of them, you’re sure to find a selection that perfectly sums up your emotions. Whether you’re looking for thinking of you messages for him, being there for someone quotes, sentimental quotes to send to your girlfriend, or romantic thinking about you messages for your SO, we’ve got you covered.

Thinking Of You Messages for Him

Men appreciate heartfelt and straightforward expressions of affection. So, if you’ve been looking for thinking of you messages for him, it’s best to lead straight from the heart and let him know exactly how you feel. Whether he’s near or far, these messages are crafted to touch his heart and remind him of your deep affection:

thinking of you messages for him
  1. “If you’re wondering whether I’m thinking of you, the answer is yes.”
  2. “Just a quick reminder: You mean the world to me, and I always think of you!”
  3. “Even when I’m swamped, my thoughts escape to be with you.”
  4. “With every sunrise, my mind drifts to you, and my heart follows.”
  5. “Every song I hear reminds me of how often you’re on my mind.”
  6. “I’m smiling because you’re in my thoughts right now, and that’s the best place to be.”
  7. “I caught myself getting lost in thoughts of you. It’s my new favorite hobby.”
  8. “I hope you’re thinking of me as often as I am of you… which is every second.”
  9. “Even the busiest days can’t keep my mind off you.”
  10. “You’re the reason for my joy and the thoughts of you are my best moments.”
  11. “Every beat of my heart whispers your name. Can’t stop thinking about you.”
  12. “You’ve occupied my thoughts and honestly, I don’t want you to leave.”
  13. “Wishing I was there with you, but since I can’t, I’m just thinking about you instead.”
  14. “Every heartbeat seems to beat stronger when I think of you.”
  15. “You’re not here, but you’re right here in my heart and my thoughts.”
  16. “Thinking of you and counting the days until we meet again.”
  17. “Just in case you forgot today: I’m thinking about you, as always.”
  18. “Whenever I struggle to smile, I just close my eyes and think of you.”
  19. “You’re like my most favorite song; I could think of you all day long.”
  20. “Hey, just wanted to tell you I’ve been thinking of you. Okay, more like daydreaming, but still.”

Related Reading: How To Increase Love In A Relationship: 11 Tips From A Therapist

Famous thinking of you quotes for him

If you’d prefer some tried and tested words to let your man know how much he’s on your mind, use these famous quotes as your thinking about you messages for him:

  1. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” – Miles Davis (Musician)
  2. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, my garden would be a park.” – Alfred Tennyson (Poet)
  3. “Wherever you go, you are with me.” – Richard Bach (Writer)
  4. “I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) wherever I go, or whatever is done, you are still the one.” – E. E. Cummings (Poet)
  5. “They say home is where the heart is. You are my home.” – Stephanie Perkins (Author)
  6. “To be away from you is to be seasick without the sea.” – Emily Dickinson (Poet)
  7. “I dwell in possibility.” – Emily Dickinson (Poet)
  8. “When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom, and love. Thanks for being you.” – Sam Crow
  9. “Maybe if you can’t get somebody out of your head, they’re supposed to be there.” – Mollz
  10. “When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom, and love. Thanks for being you.” – Sam Crow
thinking of you text for her
thinking of you text for her

Looking for sentimental quotes to send to your girlfriend? Or the perfect thinking of you text for her that will make her feel special and loved? Or being there for someone quotes that hold the promise of eternal togetherness? These text ideas will work like a charm to pull at her heartstrings and let her know how much she’s on your mind:

Related Reading: How To Woo A Girlfriend? What Does It Mean To Woo Someone

  1. “Every time a thought of you crosses my mind, my heart skips a beat.”
  2. “You’re my favorite daydream.”
  3. “I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.”
  4. “Your laugh is my favorite sound, and your name is my favorite noun.”
  5. “Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.”
  6. “I found myself smiling without reason, and then I realized I was thinking of you.”
  7. “You are the reason I look down at my phone and smile. Then I walk into a pole.”
  8. “Just knowing you’re in the world makes me happy. But knowing you’re thinking of me? That’s on another level.”
  9. “If thoughts were a currency, I’d be the richest person on earth, because you’re all I think about.”
  10. “Whenever I struggle to smile, I just close my eyes and think of you.”
  11. “Thinking of you is like the sun on a cloudy day—always lighting up the shadows.”
  12. “Is it crazy that just one thought of you brightens up my entire day?”
  13. “If my thoughts were ink, I could write a novel about you every day.”
  14. “Just a text to let you know that you’re my favorite thought.”
  15. “Every time my heart beats, it sends a message of my love for you.”
  16. “I’m smiling because you’re the reason behind it.”
  17. “A thought of you is like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.”
  18. “I’m carrying thoughts of you wrapped in my heart.”
  19. “If each thought of you were a flower, I could walk in my garden forever.”
  20. “I hope your day is as wonderful as the thoughts you inspire in me.”

Related Reading: 15 Compliments For A Man’s Smile To Make Him Smile More

Famous thinking about you messages for her

Stir in an element of nuance and romanticism with these famous I can’t stop thinking about you quotes for her, and make long for you just as much:

  1. “She walks in beauty, like the night / Of cloudless climes and starry skies; / And all that’s best of dark and bright / Meet in her aspect and her eyes.” – Lord Byron
  2. “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.” – Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
  3. “Doubt thou the stars are fire; / Doubt that the sun doth move; / Doubt truth to be a liar; / But never doubt I love.” – William Shakespeare
  4. “Take away your allure, and you steal my sun.” – Victor Hugo
  5. “She was a wildflower in a world of roses.” – Dolly Parton
  6. “In her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.” – George Clooney
  7. “For you see, every day with you is a holiday.” – Nicholas Sparks
  8. “They say home is where the heart is. You are my home.” – Stephanie Perkins
  9. “To be away from you is to be seasick without the sea.” – Emily Dickinson
  10. “I dwell in possibility.” – Emily Dickinson

Related Reading: 23 Thoughtful Messages To Fix A Broken Relationship

Sweet Thinking Of You Quotes for Your Crush

sweet thinking of you
sweet thinking of you

A crush is all about those exciting feelings of longing and sweet anticipation. That’s what makes this budding phase of a romance so special and exciting. With these sweet thinking of you quotes for your crush you can stir up the same emotions in the object of your affection as well:

  1. “Each time my phone lights up, I hope it’s a message from you, bringing your brightness into my day.”
  2. “Thinking of you feels like catching a glimpse of a shooting star—fleeting, rare, and totally magical.”
  3. “If I could plant a star every time I thought of you, the night sky would be a little brighter.”
  4. “Whenever I find myself smiling at my phone, it’s because I’m thinking of your texts.”
  5. “I catch myself pausing in the middle of the day just to savor thoughts of your laughter.”
  6. “Every song I hear reminds me of you, and how sweet life could be if you were singing along.”
  7. “You’ve occupied my thoughts, and honestly, I never want to evict you.”
  8. “If thoughts were bubbles, I’d be floating away by now, buoyed by dreams of you.”
  9. “Just a little thought of you and my day instantly gets better. Thank you for this magical effect on me.”
  10. “Are you a wizard? Because whenever I think of you, all my troubles disappear.”
  11. “If there were a penny for every time you crossed my mind, I’d be the richest person in the world.”
  12. “Just thinking of you brings a smile to my face. A big, silly, uncontrollable smile.”
  13. “You might be out of my sight, but a day hasn’t gone by without you in my thoughts.”
  14. “I wonder if you think of me half as much as I think of you—I sure hope so.”
  15. “Every time I think of you, my heart dances to the rhythm of hope and possibilities.”
  16. “In the garden of my life, my thoughts of you are like vibrant flowers blooming bright and beautiful.”
  17. “If my thoughts were an ocean, you are the treasure hidden beneath its waves.”
  18. “You’re the ‘ping’ to my phone, the unexpected smile in my day, the thought that carries me through the tough times.”
  19. “Just sending a little thought your way, wrapped in all the wishes of my heart.”
  20. “You’ve turned my thoughts into a wonderful place to be—filled with memories of your smile and laughter.”

Related Reading: 31 Intriguing Psychological Facts About Love

Famous thinking of you quotes for a crush

Can’t think of the right words to convey how much your crush is on your mind no matter where you are or what you are doing? Use these famous thinking of you quotes to your advantage and win your crush’s heart:

  1. “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” – Virginia Woolf
  2. “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” – Claudia Adrienne Grandi
  3. “I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you.” – Zelda Fitzgerald
  4. “My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.” – Perez Hilton
  5. “I think about you often, and it’s always a pleasant distraction.” – Richelle E. Goodrich
  6. “I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.” – Albany Bach Reid
  7. “I am waiting and hoping and wishing for the time when we can be together again. Thinking of You…” – James
  8. “So, here I am, all by myself, thinking of you—no one else. There’s a feeling inside and as hard as I try, it just won’t go away.” – Angel Hema
  9. “Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope severer than despair.” – William Cowper
  10. “Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you I’m thinking of you.” – Mitch Cuento

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Romantic Thinking About You Quotes for Your SO

romantic thinking about you
romantic thinking about you

The right words can capture the depth of your feelings for your SO and express the profound love you harbor for them. One of the best ways of doing that is to let them know they’re on your mind, whether you’re near or far. That’s exactly what these romantic thinking about you quotes for your SO convey:

  1. “In every heartbeat, I find another reason why you’re my incessant thought.”
  2. “Every night, the stars align to spell out your name in my thoughts.”
  3. “The thought of you brings a calm no storm can disturb.”
  4. “I find your essence weaving through my daily thoughts, binding my heart to yours.”
  5. “Every sunset reminds me of you, and how the colors of my world are brighter with you in it.”
  6. “Thinking of you is my heart’s way of reminding me how much I love you.”
  7. “I smile more often now, and it’s all because thoughts of you are a constant happiness in my life.”
  8. “Each thought of you fills me with such warmth, it’s like the sun decided to shine just for me.”
  9. “Your love lingers in my thoughts like a serene melody that never ends.”
  10. “Even on the busiest days, my mind wanders off to the tranquillity of thinking about you.”
  11. “You live in my dreams, but even more so in my reality because I think about you all the time.”
  12. “Whenever I think of you, my day turns into the sweetest day ever.”
  13. “I carry thoughts of you like precious gems, treasured and close to my heart.”
  14. “You’re not just in my thoughts during the idle moments; you’re also in the midst of the chaos, bringing peace.”
  15. “With every thought of you, I love you more. That’s why you never leave my mind.”
  16. “It’s not just that I think about you, it’s that these thoughts of you make everything better.”
  17. “Your love dances through my thoughts, turning ordinary moments into poetry.”
  18. “Every thought of you feels like a page from a fairy tale I want to read over and over.”
  19. “Whenever I think of you, my heart skips a beat, as if it’s just you and me in this world.”
  20. “My thoughts of you are like a soothing melody that comforts my soul.”

Related Reading: 100+ Heart-Melting I Miss You Messages For Him

Famous romantic thinking of you quotes for your SO

Certain expressions of love and longing have been etched in time forever. In every age and era, these classics capture the emotions of romantic love perfectly. Let these famous romantic thinking of you quotes be the carriers of your feelings for your SO:  

  1. “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim
  2. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Brontë
  3. “I think of you, and I can feel you in my entire being.” – Steve Maraboli
  4. “My heart dances with joy when I think about you.” – Debasish Mridha
  5. “The simple lack of her is more to me than others’ presence.” – Edward Thomas
  6. “I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.” – Terri Guillemets
  7. “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” – Arthur Conan Doyle
  8. “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” – Virginia Woolf
  9. “You are the one girl that made me risk everything for a future worth having.” – Simone Elkeles
  10. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.” – Alfred Tennyson

I Can’t Stop Thinking About You Quotes

I can't stop thinking about you quotes
I can’t stop thinking about you quotes

When you’re hopelessly smitten or deeply in love, “I can’t stop thinking about you” becomes a constant background score underlying every moment of your life. These I can’t stop thinking about you quotes capture the power of those unyielding thoughts:

Related Reading: 125 Sweet, Thoughtful, Heartfelt Words to Make Her Feel Special

  1. “Every minute apart feels like hours, and every hour feels like days. I can’t stop thinking about you.”
  2. “No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m in a perpetual state of thinking about you.”
  3. “Day and night, you’re on my mind. Constantly, like an unending melody.”
  4. “You are my last thought before I drift to sleep and the first when I wake up. Always, endlessly, you.”
  5. “Like a star in the night sky, thoughts of you shine the brightest in the darkest moments.”
  6. “If thinking of you was a job, I’d be the most dedicated worker.”
  7. “Your name is etched in my mind; your face, forever in my thoughts.”
  8. “I catch myself smiling alone, lost in thoughts of you. It’s a habit now.”
  9. “With every heartbeat, echoes a thought of you.”
  10. “Thinking about you is like breathing. It can’t stop, and it’s essential for my survival.”
  11. “If there’s a thought I could live in, it would be one where you are with me.”
  12. “You’ve captured my mind. It’s a perpetual state of you.”
  13. “Each day is just another page of my mind filled with thoughts of you.”
  14. “You invade my dreams, and I find myself waking up smiling because I was thinking about you.”
  15. “The thought of you adds a touch of beauty to my everyday life.”
  16. “My mind wanders and always heads in your direction.”
  17. “I’m addicted to my thoughts of you. They’re my escape and my reality all at once.”
  18. “You are the permanent resident of the secret place in my mind where I find peace.”
  19. “In the library of my mind, books about you are the most worn-out from constant reading.”
  20. “Every thought of you feels like a poem, written in the ink of love.”
on romance

Famous quotes to let someone know you can’t stop thinking of them

When you think you are running out of ways to let that special someone know how much you love them and how often they’re on your mind, these famous I can’t stop thinking about you quotes can come to your rescue:  

Related Reading: A Complete Guide On The 10 Stages Of Falling In Love

  1. “You’re on my mind now and always. You are the sweetest song that only my ears can hear.” – Kirito
  2. “I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.” – Albany Bach Reid
  3. “You are always in my thoughts. When I think of you, when I miss you, it is like I am lost without you but have direction with you.” – Shah Asad Rizvi
  4. “My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.” – Perez Hilton
  5. “I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you.” – Zelda Fitzgerald
  6. “Thinking of you is easy—I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away.” – Michael Pryce
  7. “In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every thought itself.” – Edgar Cayce
  8. “Every now and then my heart wanders back in time and all those old feelings awaken the memories in my mind.” – Fad Ibra
  9. “I am thinking about you. When I look in your eyes and they swallowed me. They have turned the floor underfoot and mixed my head. Your look is simple but too much to be able to submit.” – Sophieya
  10. “I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have; I miss you.” – Kong Moua

A heart-rendering thinking of you text for her. Quotes to let someone know you are thinking of them. A sweet thinking of you message dropped out of the blue. A romantic thinking about you quote to brighten up your SO’s day. These are not mere words. They hold the promise of love, a hope of togetherness. So, use these thinking of you quotes generously and often to cement the bond you share with that special someone in your life.

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11 Perks Of Dating A Tomboy And How To Make It Work

When you see a tomboy in shredded jeans, huge headphones hanging around her neck, and her messy ponytail showing every sign of minimal to zero effort, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? “She is hot!” – maybe. “I want to wife her up” – probably won’t crack your top ten. Instead of thinking about dating a tomboy, most men would rather challenge her to a round of pool. And there’s a good chance she will destroy you at it! 

That’s the reality of tomboy girls, for the most part. Misunderstood and often overlooked when it comes to establishing romantic connections. So, if you are here to gather pointers on tomboy dating, our first tip would be to approach this romantic connection with a lot of compassion. What does that entail, you ask? We help you navigate the intricacies of dating a tomboy, with insights from counseling psychologist Dhriti Bhavsar (M.Sc, Clinical Psychology), who specializes in relationship, breakup, and LGBTQ counseling. 

What Are Tomboy Girls Like? 

You must already know that being a tomboy is not a person’s gender identity. It’s a way of life defined by the characteristic traits of an individual – how they act, talk, socialize, and dress up. Since these traits are perceived as essentially masculine, the girls who display them are labeled boyish. Because let’s face it, when has our society ever been able to handle ‘out of the box’?

Dhriti elaborates, “Gender roles play a huge role in the psyche of a tomboy girl. Usually, it manifests in the way of rebelling against strictly enforced gender norms. This shows up typically in girls whose families hold very rigid norms on how a girl should look and act, and often discourage, punish, or scold the tomboy girl for her boyish interests. This can make her double down on her tomboyish ways to keep doing the things she genuinely enjoys. 

“Some reject femininity due to a lack of good female role models they can look up to. Kids grow to emulate the gender norms of the same-sex parent because they look up to the parent. Certain kids see how their mothers, sisters, and friends live through the restrictions, lack of freedom, and thankless responsibilities and decide they want none of that — and who can blame them!”

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Before we delve further into the nitty-gritty of dating a tomboy, here are some of the trademark qualities that most tomboys often adhere to:

  • They are confident in their skin and abilities 
  • They are always one of the guys because that’s less drama 
  • They are adventurous with a go-getter attitude and speak straight from the shoulder
  • Unlike other girls, they resent anything pink, a girly dress or high heels, and of course, makeup
  • They are more into sports and beer than Hello Kitty and Chanel purses 
  • Valentine’s Day gifts, prom nights, marriage, parenting — chances are a tomboy won’t be into any of these 
Tomboy girls have great confidence and a go-getter attitude

11 Perks Of Dating A Tomboy

Not every tomboy comes across as ‘appealing’ at first sight given that they lack the typical feminine elements that men have been conditioned to consider attractive. So, it all boils down to how much time you spend getting to know her. Because boy oh boy, once you do, there’s no turning back!

According to Dhriti, there are quite a few reasons why men find tomboys attractive. “You will have plenty of shared interests to bond over with. Tomboy girls are often good at taking up and dishing out challenges. Not to say that hyper-feminine women aren’t, but tomboys aren’t concerned with coming across as soft-spoken or sweet. She can take care of herself, and she’ll be good at fighting for herself and you too,” she says. Sounds fascinating? Let’s continue the discussion and talk about 11 perks of dating a tomboy:

Related Reading: 40 Cute Things To Do With Your Girlfriend At Home

1. She gets ready super quick 

You are about to go out to run some errands. Your girlfriend says, “Hey babe, I will be ready in five.” And guess what, she actually does! Isn’t that every guy’s dream? She won’t take half an hour to pick the perfect outfit and another half on makeup and accessories. Slip into a pair of jeans and a baggy shirt and she is all set. How can you not fall madly for this girl?

2. There is no pretense — she is what she is

Authenticity is part of the package with her. These women are so confident in their skin, doing their own thing, they have hardly a care for the world. She can step into a high-end restaurant in her regular clothes ignoring all the stares and still make an impression. Get this, she might just lick the foil of the brownie you got her if that’s what she likes. When you are with her, you get to see a 100% genuine person. Since she is not desperate for men’s validation, or anyone’s for that matter, she has nothing to hide. 

3. She is low-maintenance 

This may appeal to you if you are rather laid-back in your dating approach — not always up for putting in the effort. Tomboy girls don’t need a lot of looking after or pampering to feel content and happy in a relationship. No need to plan elaborate date nights or spend a fortune on expensive presents for her. Fix her with some ramen at home, put her favorite movie on, and keep a couple of video games handy, and she will have the best time.

Related Reading: How To Keep Calm When Your Girlfriend Talks To Other Guys

4. Loving girlfriend minus the drama

Oh, I am sure you men are all sick with the girlfriend drama. The other day, my friend Justin dropped by just to complain about his girl for an hour. (Talk about nagging, huh?) Apparently, Julia locked herself in her room and won’t come out, won’t even eat. Just as he was about to give up asking, “What’s wrong?”, she revealed that the previous night, she was upset after watching a movie and he didn’t offer her a comforting hug. We promise, your tomboy partner would never put you through such Justin-Julia dramas. 

5. She can surprise you on the romance front

Perhaps, you think because she is a tomboy, she doesn’t know the first thing about romance. Well, hold your horses, my friend. She may not be a ‘roses and romantic dinners’ enthusiast. But she will spend days looking for the first edition of your favorite book and get a signed copy for your birthday. On date night, she might take you to the coziest nook in the city that she loves and bring a picnic basket of homemade sandwiches and beer. Now does it sound like you will miss out on romance when dating a tomboy? We didn’t think so. 

6. Tomboys are hot – whenever they decide to bring it on

Don’t be fooled by her tomboy cap and Crocs. She can clean up real nice and when she does, you will have to pick up your jaw off the floor. Her rugged attitude mingled with the raw beauty is sure to fire up the floor. Just wait until she decides to bring her A-game on and you would want to watch her forever.   

Related Reading: What Is Romance To A Man – 13 Things Men Find Incredibly Romantic

7. No long, tedious hours of shopping 

When you are with a tomboy, she won’t drag you to the Home Depot for a pot and then leave after three hours maxing out both of your credit cards. Dress shopping with her won’t be any more complicated than a short tour to Macy’s or Target. Rest assured, the shopping shenanigans aren’t at all extravagant or taxing with a tomboyish girl. 

8. She understands you better

She might be a girl but she has a natural gift of connecting with men. A girly girl may get mad if you plan a boys’ night two weekends in a row or be furious if you forget your anniversary. But a tomboy has the rational capacity to understand a man’s perspective on things. She would understand the need for individual social circles even when you’re in a relationship and offer you ample space to breathe. 

9. Her sense of humor is impeccable

To be more specific, her sense of humor is closer to that of a guy. Together you can share a good laugh at someone’s fake accent. She won’t be offended by the typical guy jokes. And the memes she sends you are next-level funny. Fair warning, she is the queen of sarcasm. She will tease you a lot but yes, she can also take a hit like a sport. So, to laugh and be laughed at, date a tomboy. 

10. Watch or play — she is your ultimate sports buddy

Imagine this – the Rangers game is on tonight (and you absolutely can’t miss it) but you are supposed to hang out with your girlfriend. Now that’s a pickle! In any other scenario, we would suggest you keep your plans with your girl, check the scores on your phone, and leave it at that. But with a tomboy, this dilemma wouldn’t even exist. We bet she is also hesitating to tell you that she wants to catch the game too. Just talk and straighten things out with her. If anything, she will love you even more after this. We tell you, whether it’s watching sports or playing Minecraft, you won’t find a better companion than a tomboy girlfriend.   

11. You get an amazing friend in her

These girls are super chill, humble, and easy to connect with. You can speak your mind without worrying about, “What if she thinks less of me?” Plus, she will be a hit among your guy friends. The way a tomboy can break the ice is uncanny. Before you know it, she will be a ‘bro’ and you will definitely have your friends’ blessings for dating this amazing girl.  

Related Reading: 21 Ways To Be A Better Partner For A Better Relationship

How To Attract A Tomboy — 5 Ways

Do men like tomboys? YES! A tomboyish girl can be a good friend, an even better companion to watch sports with. And men in general think tomboys are hot. But when it’s a matter of the heart, guys tend to hesitate before making a move. Sometimes they are intimidated by the girl’s confidence; sometimes they are unsure of her romantic inclinations because tomboys are usually not desperate for men to like them.

However, that doesn’t mean they’re not open to or interested in the possibility of a romantic connection taking root. A Quora user says, “As a tomboy, I like both feminine men and manly gentlemen. I like looking at beautiful things. I want a man that takes good care of himself and is self-aware. I like being reminded of my femininity but also learning how to do things better and with him.” 

Dhriti says, “Chances are, she’s not used to people doing things for her or taking care of her. Showing some consideration can go a long way. Have a good sense of humor, don’t be afraid of poking fun at her but be ready to be made fun of later.” So, empathy and understanding — that’s what you need to attract a tomboy. Oh wait, we have a couple of more ideas to share:

  • To grab a tomboy’s attention, you need to appreciate and admire her for exactly who she is. Tell her how cute she looks in that messy bun and her brother’s oversized hoodie!
  • Bond with her before dropping the L-word. Given her interests are all about bikes, sports, hiking, rock music, or something to that effect, we are sure you won’t have to try too hard to find a common interest
  • Make a note – nothing captivates a tomboy more than intellectual, engaging conversation
  • Don’t change yourself to fit into her ‘boyfriend’ criteria. When you are all for her genuineness, you should present yourself in the same light too 

Related Reading: 25 Ways To Keep A Conversation Going With A Girl

7 Tips For Dating A Tomboy Successfully 

Responding to the question, “Do men like tomboys?”, Dhriti says, “What people find attractive is highly subjective and is based on many factors like personal tastes, past experiences, emotional connect, intellectual stimulation, and even genetics to some extent. Tomboys have their charms, and dating one takes a man who is secure in his skin.”

On that note, Dhriti shares a few insights from our readers who are trying to figure out how to treat their tomboy girlfriend right. “Your girl might have some things to learn and unlearn when it comes to gender roles and identity. Be patient with her, and become her safe space by not expecting her to be a certain way. She might also struggle to be transparent with her feelings. You may need to put in some work to foster open and honest communication, particularly about emotion. There’s something you should remember: vulnerability encourages vulnerability.” In addition to this, here are some tips you need to be mindful of to master the art of tomboy dating:

More on dating tips

1. Remember she is not a damsel in distress 

Unlike a girly girl, your tomboy girlfriend won’t jump around the house at the sight of a cockroach or ask you to come over to help fix her kitchen tap. She is brave and independent enough to tackle any minor or major inconvenience on her own. If you were hoping to swoop in as her knight in shining armor, you would be disappointed more often than you thought. Dhriti suggests you learn to recognize that her being strong-headed and self-reliant is not a challenge to your masculinity. It’s just who she is. 

2. Don’t assume things for her

Just because most tomboys are into sports and gadgets, it’s a likely conjecture that she would want to watch the Super Bowls with you over some girly TV soap. And it would be mighty inaccurate of you to conclude something for her without so much of a conversation about her likes and dislikes. Being a tomboy doesn’t restrain her from taking a bubble bath and watching Gossip Girl. So, Dhriti suggests, “Keep an open mind and don’t shame her for her interests – masculine or feminine.”

Related Reading: 6 Ways To Be More Empathetic In A Relationship According To An Expert

3. Don’t keep suggesting modifications in her demeanor 

Be honest here. Didn’t you fall head over heels with her when she absolutely smashed you in that arcade game? You both hiked miles together in the rain, smeared in mud and the smell of the woods. You even went fishing together. You had all the pieces of the puzzle to see her in her entirety. Now that she is your girlfriend, you can’t ask her to switch to a feminine alter-ego. Remember, you cannot build a long-term relationship unless you both show up in your genuine persona.  

4. Nurture her competitive nature

Competitive is the middle name of almost every tomboy girl. From beating your high score in Mario Kart to doing more push-ups than you in the gym, she will always keep you on your toes. When you are dating a tomboy, remind yourself to take these challenges in a constructive light. At the end of the day, you are on the same team and you can’t let these silly trials take an upper hand on your relationship. 

Related Reading: 15 Ways A Woman Wants To Be Treated

5. Accept the fact that she just gets along well with guys 

If you are in a relationship with a tomboy or thinking of getting into one, you have to keep a rein on your jealous streak. There will inevitably be other guys around her as tomboy girls are seen hanging out with their guy friends more often. If you get jealous or ask her to cut ties with a good friend, you are forcing her to become a person she is not. So, the trick here is to befriend her gang and be a part of their conversations. You will see there is nothing to be threatened of.  

6. Treat her the way you would have treated a girly girl on a date

A tomboy is still a girl at the core and won’t mind being treated like a queen. She won’t fight the idea of a candlelight dinner or getting each other flowers once in a while. In fact, you can go that extra mile and make a grand romantic gesture to sweep her off her feet. Although, we must warn you, don’t make a show out of it in front of her friends or colleagues or you will never hear the end of it. 

Related Reading: How To Woo A Girlfriend? What Does It Mean To Woo Someone

7. Try to understand her love language 

Romantic lovey-dovey words, hugs, and kisses don’t come easy to tomboy girls. So, we expect you to pay closer attention to her countenance and actions. You will see love in her eyes even if she doesn’t express it in so many words. She may not make cute scrapbooks with your pictures but she will fix your broken computer for you or rearrange your records by genre. You just need to be receptive because she speaks the language of ‘acts of service’ when showing her love for you. 

Key Pointers

  • Tomboy girls are devoid of all the usual girly drama and the chase for the perfect outfit and makeup
  • One of the perks of dating a tomboy is that they are low maintenance, easier to make happy, and content
  • You don’t need to spend hours waiting for her to get ready or holding shopping bags outside the changing room
  • Tomboys have similar interests and sense of humor to that of a man
  • She is capable of understanding your guy issues like no one else which makes her a good friend and an amazing girlfriend

Congratulations, now you know the whole nine yards of dating a tomboy. Before we part, here’s a pro tip: if you have a crush on that pixie girl in your class who barely knows your existence, don’t give up before you try. Make your way through her life, and give her and yourself a chance to know each other. With the universe in your corner, she won’t be able to resist your charm and all your efforts. Once she does, the ball comes back to your court. And you know well how to make that girl feel seen, loved, and appreciated. 

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How To Find the Right Sofa Bed for Your Space

Picture this: It’s a cozy Saturday night, and your friends eagerly call for a movie marathon. You have the popcorn ready and the laughter filling the living room, but there’s just one thing missing — A guest room.

Enter the brilliant sofa bed, your night-time savior. This multifunctional marvel effortlessly transforms from a comfortable couch by day to a soft, inviting sleep sanctuary by night. With its array of sizes and upgrades, it adapts to your needs seamlessly, adding a touch of charm to your home.

Getting the right sofa bed becomes even more essential for couples who adore curling up with a good book. Imagine snuggling on a plush sofa, engrossed in your favorite novels. As the evening progresses, your cozy reading nook transforms into a haven of rest, perfect for drifting off into dreams with the one you love. But how do you choose the perfect hideaway solution that looks stunning in its sofa and bedforms?

This guide is designed to arm you with all the tools you need to navigate the world of sofa bed shopping. Envision your home boasting a piece of furniture that’s as versatile as a transformer, blending form and function with effortless grace.

To make your decision-making process a bit easier, we delve into the most important factors — Capacity, utility, and style. These points of judgment will help ensure that you find the perfect sofa bed solution, one that will make your home even more inviting and delightful for those intimate reading sessions, and beyond.

Understand Your Area

Before you get too ahead of yourself with plush cushions or sleek designer furniture, step back and look at your living space. Check and double-check the space you have available to be sure it will allow for both the footprint of the sofa and all necessary clearances while unfolding it.

Measure your available space 

Many considerations must be taken into account. See how traffic will flow through the space. When opened, will the bed block any pathways? Drawing a layout on paper is pretty beneficial in terms of visualization.

Related Reading: 10 Ways To Redecorate Your Home

Size Matters For Snug Singles Or Family Sleepovers

Many sizes of sofa beds fit a variety of needs. For studio apartments, we have options that are specifically twin-sized or good for occasional guests, and full-sized/queen-sized options for a sofa bed that requires more sleeping room. The same goes for a king-sized sofa bed, which will require substantial floor space if you host families or couples regularly.

The Real Heros — The Mechanism

The unfolding mechanism is its soul — The soul of a sofa bed, so to speak. This one, if good enough, ensures comfortable use for many years without any problem of wear and tear! Select the smoothest, easiest-to-use unit. 

Opt for strong metal hinges and pass on anything that will easily get stuck or that seems cheap and plastic. Why not show the metamorphosis at your store too? A couch that turns into a bed and goes back to being a couch with minimal effort will save time for everyone involved.

Related Reading: Proper Sleep – The Secret Sauce To A Healthy And Happy Marriage

Comfort Is King (Or Queen)

Everyone can agree to this — If I sleep entirely lumpy, then nobody would like that in the morning. Spend a little extra on the sofa bed and get the best quality mattress that supports your back. Innerspring mattresses have the most traditional feel while memory foam slowly cradles your body to relieve pressure. 

Mattress thickness

A slightly thinner profile may save space, but rest assured, a thicker mattress guarantees you a comfortable night’s sleep.

Speaking of frame materials: From duct tape to iron-built

The frame is what supports your sofa bed. Solid metal frames guarantee years of use, and hardwood choices provide you with a classic touch. Lightweight frames are likely to wobble or buckle under stress, so they should be avoided.

Upholstery Selection: Dress For The Occasion

It’s more than just eye candy, the choice of fabric. Consider your lifestyle before you make a purchase. There are animal and kid-friendly options too, which are made from leather or faux leather and can be cleaned easily. Textiles come in many colors and textures, and some need special care. Choose the covers which are removable and washable to ensure ease of maintenance.

Style and aesthetics, of course

Don’t compromise on style! There are many designs of sofa beds to choose from, ranging from classic and traditional right up to modern contemporary. Select a design that fits well with your furniture and how you want your home to look. Why not opt for an elegant futon if you’re going for a minimalistic look? Or if you want to add a luxurious flair, choose something velvet plush.

Related Reading: How Sleeping In Separate Beds Made Them A Happier Couple

Your Bonus Features: Look At The Extras

Other sofa beds have more features which make them highly functional. Hidden built-in storage ottomans are perfect for a couple of blankets or pillows. You can opt for ones that have cup holders or armrests for better functionality.

This is why it’s important to understand this piece of furniture in practical terms. Keep the comfort, operation, and style of your sofa bed as a priority to ensure that your life integrates with it easily. A smart choice allows you to enjoy a stylish place to sit during your daytime get-togethers AND is also an enveloping comfort zone for overnight guests. I mean, who wouldn’t want a good design award-winning sofa bed in the first place? Now that you know what to look for, you too can get your award-winning transformer sofa bed!

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Why Do I Struggle To Communicate With My Partner? An Expert Answers

There was a time in my life when I found myself unable to articulate my thoughts to my partner, particularly during arguments or in moments that demanded vulnerability. It was not for a lack of clarity about what I wanted to say or finding myself at a loss for words. I just couldn’t bring myself to say certain things out loud. This, in turn, added to the confusion and misunderstandings, which made it even harder to be vocal about my thoughts and feelings. Feeling like we were caught in a vicious circle, I wondered, “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?”

I’m certain this is a dilemma most people struggle with in their intimate relationships. After all, the stereotype of “Nothing” being the standard response to “What’s wrong?” hasn’t emerged in a bubble. That’s because so many of us grow up without learning how to communicate needs in a relationship or how to have difficult conversations without getting defensive or hurting feelings.

Given the criticality of healthy communication in a relationship, we must unlearn these patterns. We’re here to help you work through communication problems in a relationship, with insights from counseling psychologist Rashmi Shah (MSc in psychology), who specializes in dealing with a broad range of relationship issues, from lack of intimacy to conflict and breakups.

Signs Of Communication Problems In A Relationship

Like me, have you also been struggling with the thought, “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?” Before we explore it further, it’s important to establish that you’re, in fact, dealing with communication problems in a relationship and not simply overthinking the situation. So, what does poor communication in a relationship look like? Rashmi shares the following tell-tale signs to watch out for:

  • Poor listening: One of the signs that you’re not communicating in a relationship the right way is an inability to hear each other out patiently. “One or both partners may not actively listen to each other, leading to misunderstandings or feeling unheard,” says Rashmi
  • Frequent arguments: “Constant arguments or fights over trivial matters may indicate underlying communication issues,” says Rashmi. If every disagreement leads to fights, it’s a sign you need to learn how to talk about issues in a relationship
  • Blame game: Blame shifting is another key indicator of poor communication in a relationship. “Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, partners may blame each other for problems in the relationship,” says Rashmi
  • Different communication styles: “Partners may have different communication styles or preferences, leading to difficulty in understanding each other,” explains Rashmi. When you talk in a way that doesn’t resonate with your partner or vice versa, you will inevitably be left grappling with a lack of communication in a relationship
  • Passive-aggressiveness: “Instead of openly addressing concerns, one partner may resort to passive-aggressive behavior or sarcasm,” says Rashmi. As a result, you may be left lamenting, “My partner/my wife/ my husband doesn’t understand me”, or
  • Assumptions: Misunderstandings are a clear sign of communication problems in a relationship, and they stem from a tendency to make assumptions instead of practicing open communication about each other’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions. “Making assumptions about what the other person thinks or feels without checking with them can lead to misunderstandings,” says Rashmi
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Why Do I Struggle To Communicate With My Partner? 5 Possible Reasons

Once I had the self-awareness that I was not communicating in a relationship the right way, I realized it was an area I needed to work on. By reading about the root cause of communication problems in a relationship, going into therapy, and just being mindful of how I approach difficult conversations, I was able to break this pattern — well, to a large extent.

In this journey of finding the answer to the question, “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?”, I realized that this issue is, more often than not, internal and not symptomatic of underlying problems in a relationship. Of course, external factors like busy schedules and technoference play a role, but essentially, it boils down to your own inhibitions and self-doubt.

If you, too, often struggle with realizations like, “I can’t communicate with my husband/wife/partner”, or feel the need to learn how to communicate better with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/partner, a deep dive into the root cause is warranted. In consultation with Rashmi, I list the five most prominent reasons behind communication problems in a relationship:

Related Reading: The 8 Commandants Of Open Communication In A Relationship

1. Language barriers

If you and your partner have different native languages, even if you speak a common language, communication in a relationship can become a challenge. Particularly, when it comes to expressing yourself clearly about sensitive topics. That’s because we’re wired to think in our native language, and the metaphors as well as interpretation of certain gestures and even tones can vary from one language to the other.

So, even if you’re using words from a language that both you and your partner understand, the body language and the tone can be hard to relate to. As body language researcher Albert Mehrabian found, words account for only 7% of our communication, the rest depends on vocal and nonverbal cues. Rashmi says, “If partners speak different languages or have different proficiency levels, communication can be challenging.” The same holds if partners have different communication styles.

2. Fear of vulnerability

Being afraid to share your vulnerabilities can make it harder for you to share your true thoughts and feelings

If you often find yourself asking, “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?”, the answer may be hidden in a deep-rooted — often subconscious — fear of being judged or criticized. “People who struggle with communication in a relationship may be wary of vulnerability in a relationship and opening up to their partner.”

This apprehension is rooted in past experiences of having been mocked, ridiculed, or judged for revealing your true emotions, thoughts, or needs to others, and is essentially a self-protection mechanism. So, if your partner tends to dismiss, invalidate, or ridicule your thoughts or feelings, or someone close to you has done this in the past — a parent, a sibling, or a former partner, you may struggle to figure out how to communicate needs in a relationship.

3. Unrealistic expectation that your partner will just know what you want

Another common reason why so many of us fare poorly at open and honest communication in a relationship is the propagation of the idea that the person who loves us will just know what we want or need. Rashmi says, “When a person expects their partner to intuitively understand their needs without expressing them, they will end up not communicating in a relationship — at least not the right way.” Since no one is a mind reader, this unrealistic expectation not only worsens your ability to communicate but also leads to hurt and disappointment, which, in turn, gives way to resentment.

Related Reading: Expectations In Relationships: The Right Way To Manage Them

4. Digital distractions

Spending hours doom-scrolling on the phone instead of spending quality time with one’s partner. Whiling away date night with faces buried in phones. Using up free time to binge-watch OTT content. We’ve all seen couples do this. Heck, we’re couples who do this. Then we wonder why this delicate dance of relationships and communication is so hard to perfect.

Rashmi warns this can impact communication in a relationship. and says, “Excessive use of technology and social media can interfere with face-to-face communication.” When you prioritize the easy distraction offered by gadgets, the internet, or social media, over making the effort to connect with your partner, naturally, you begin to drift apart. This becomes a breeding ground for a lack of communication in a relationship. 

5. Attachment style

Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner, you ask? Your attachment style could be at play. You may see little to no communication in relationships where partners’ attachment styles are at odds with each other.

People with insecure attachment styles, such as avoidant or anxious attachment, may struggle to communicate well with their partners.

Rashmi Dharamshi, counseling psychologist

For instance, people with anxious attachment, need a lot of reassurance from their partners to feel secure and loved. On the other hand, people with avoidant attachment, are known to bottle up their feelings and are scared of vulnerability. Now, if these two people come together in a relationship, they may struggle to get through to one another.

The partner with an anxious attachment may struggle with thoughts like, “My partner/my wife/my husband doesn’t understand me”, which triggers their fear of abandonment. The avoidant partner may rue, “I can’t communicate with my husband/my wife/my partner so much”, stirring in them a desire to pull away and clam up.

9 Tips From A Therapist To Improve Communication In A Relationship

Now that you have the answer to the disconcerting question, “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?”, the next logical question is what can be done to remedy the situation. Often, poor or no communication in relationships causes distance to creep into a couple’s equation. That’s when a woman feels neglected in a relationship or a man feels disconnected from his partner. Oh, the ever-complicated dynamics of relationships and communication!

This can leave you wondering about how to communicate better with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, or struggling to ascertain how to talk about issues in a relationship. Rashmi offers some actionable tips on how to improve communication in a relationship:

1. Be mindful of your tone

To tide over the challenge of poor or no communication in relationships, you must learn to be mindful of the tone you use while talking to your partner. After all, we convey as much with our tone and expressions as we do with our words. This is particularly important if you want to know how to talk to your partner about relationship problems without it turning into a conflict.

Pay attention to your tone of voice, ensuring it remains respectful and considerate during conversations.

Rashmi Dharamshi, counseling psychologist

2. Set boundaries

Boundaries play a critical role in fine-tuning the symphony of relationships and communication. So, if you have been struggling with thoughts like, “I don’t know how to talk to my husband about my feelings”, or “I cannot bring myself to share my thoughts with my wife” or “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?”, perhaps, it’s time to work on setting healthy boundaries that allow for honest communication with the fear of judgment, ridicule, or backlash.

Rashmi says, “Partners must respect each other’s boundaries and communicate openly about your needs and preferences. These may include not ridiculing each other, not attacking each other’s vulnerabilities during arguments, or not disrespecting each other in public.”  

Related Reading: 9 Examples Of Emotional Boundaries In Relationships

3. Process your feelings before you react

When tempers are flaring or you and your partner are in disagreement and they say something that triggers you, reacting in the moment can do more harm than good. While it can seem momentarily cathartic, it contributes to communication breakdown in the long run.

One of the most vital tips on how to talk to your partner about relationship problems without making a bad situation worse is to take some space and process your feelings before you react. This is the best way to prevent saying hurtful things to your partner that you can come to regret later.

how to talk about issues in a relationship
Sit with your feelings for some time so that you don’t let your emotions control your reactions

4. Limit distractions

Rashmi advises, “Minimize distractions such as phones or TV when having conversations with your partner.” Since digital interference is one of the prime reasons behind poor or no communication in relationships, removing this root cause from the equation can go a long way in fixing the issue.

5. Be empathetic

If you find yourself in a situation where communication leads to conflict, which, in turn, impacts your ability to talk to your partner, making you both feel distant and out of tune, the element of empathy may be lacking in your relationship. To address this, Rashmi advises, “Try to understand your partner’s perspective and show empathy toward their feelings.”

Related Reading: 6 Ways To Be More Empathetic In A Relationship According To An Expert

6. Time your conversations well

To communicate well, both you and your partner need to be in the right headspace. If you reach out to them to discuss issues or even share your feelings when they’re preoccupied with work or something else, you likely won’t get the kind of response you’d have hoped for. This can be certainly disappointing and may inhibit you from opening up and reaching out to your partner the next time.

The best way to counter this all-too-common issue impacting the quality of communication in relationships is to time your conversations well. If you have something important to tell or discuss with your partner, ask them if they have the time and mental capacity to actively engage in a conversation. If not, put it off until you’re both physically and emotionally available to deal with the issue at hand.

7. Validate feelings

When one partner dismisses or invalidates another’s feelings or emotions, it can make it harder to open up and communicate freely. If this cycle of emotional invalidation repeats over and over again, a distance begins to creep into the relationship. That’s when a woman feels neglected in a relationship or a man feels disconnected from his partner, and communication problems get exacerbated. The solution? Rashmi says, “Acknowledge your partner’s feelings and validate them, even if you don’t agree with their perspective. Never dismiss their concerns or emotions off-hand.”


8. Practice patience

The struggle of communicating well with your partner can be dealt with with patience and understanding. Rashmi says, “Two people in a relationship will find it easier to communicate with one another when they know they will be given space to say their piece and be heard. So, be patient and give your partner time to express themselves fully without rushing or interrupting.”

Related Reading: 11 Ways To Be Patient In A Relationship

9. Use “I” Statements

How to talk to my husband about my feelings, how to open up to my wife, or how to communicate better with my partner, you ask? A non-accusatory tone and steering clear of blame-shifting is the answer. To be able to freely talk to your partner about your feelings, you must take accountability for your own emotions. For this, Rashmi advises, “Frame your statements using “I” instead of “you” to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, “I feel upset when…” instead of “You always…”.”

Key Pointers

  • “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?” is a common concern because so many of us have grown up without learning how to have difficult conversations or embrace vulnerability
  • Poor listening, blame game, frequent arguments, passive-aggressiveness, and assumptions are some signs of poor communication in a relationship
  • The dissonances between relationships and communication arises due to fear of vulnerability, insecure attachment style, unrealistic expectations, as well as, external factors like language barriers and digital distractions
  • To fix poor communication in a relationship you be mindful of your tone, set healthy boundaries, process feelings before reacting, be empathetic, validate feelings, be patient

When the question, “Why do I struggle to communicate with my partner?”, arises in your mind, take a moment to sit with yourself, introspect on the signs and causes — focusing primarily on your role — and answers will emerge. Based on what you discover, you can create a roadmap to improve the quality of your communication with your significant other, our expert-recommended tips serving as a guiding light along the way.

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100 Physics Pickup Lines Only The Sharp-Minded Will Get

Step into a world where quarks meet hearts, and gravitational fields pull lovers together — It’s the cosmic playground of physics pickup lines! Buckle up, because we have compiled a list of 100 physics pickup lines only the sharp-minded will get, where love is an equation waiting to be solved and witty banter orbits the heart like satellites around a planet. 

If you struggle with flirting, a study indicates that “direct pickup lines are preferred over flippant or innocuous pickup lines.” You definitely won’t have to worry about being indirect when it comes to pickup lines in physics. They are as straightforward as can be.  

Initiating a conversation with someone you like can be quite scary. Especially if you’re someone who spends a lot of time in the lab (juuust kidding). Whether your social skills are rusty or you’ve been wondering how to charm your way into the nucleus of someone’s affections, our list of 100 science pickup lines is your ticket to an interstellar adventure.

100 Physics Pickup Lines That Can Be Your Nerd Magnet

“Are physics pickup lines funny at all? How do you even go about it?” asked a friend incredulously when I told her I was writing a fun article on pickup lines in physics. Yes, they are funny! And I’ll prove it. Whether you’re looking for cheesy physics jokes, quantum physics pickup lines, or just want to sound smart to impress the guy you have a huge crush on, we’ve got you covered.

Do not be afraid to come off as ridiculous. If you and your person are nerds like us, these science pickup lines are sure to come of use.

Related Reading: 160 Best Pickup Lines For Guys

Physics pickup lines funny

Dive into the lighter side of love as we make your physics pickup lines funny and endearing. Picture this: Playful banter with your potential partner that’ll tickle their funny bone and make their heart skip a beat. Who knew astrophysics pickup lines could be this amusing and awkward? (Actually, I knew.) Here’s some clever wordplay for the sake of your quirky connection.

  1. Is your gravitational pull so strong, or is it just your charisma attracting me?
  2. Is this a physics major party? Because I’ve just found my favorite attractive force in the room
  3. You and I are just a theory right now. Let’s test it out and see if it turns into reality
  4. Hey baby, are you a physics major? Because you’ve got the intellectual attraction
  5. Are you a black hole? Because your gravitational pull is insane!
  6. Not even Fahrenheit can do you justice. You’re so hot you must be measured in Kelvin
  7. Are you a million light-years away? Because you’re the distant star I’ve been wishing upon
  8. Are there practical applications for our love, or is it purely theoretical?
  9. Are we experiencing van der Waal’s force? Because I can feel the attraction between us
  10. I don’t need a transducer, because I know you’re hot
  11. I tanked with my choice of pickup lines in physics when I first approached you. Is reentry possible in your heart? We can explore the atmosphere of love, maybe at a cafe around 3 p.m.?
  12. Trust me, we can create the perfect wavelength of affection that resonates between us
  13. Have you conducted gravity experiments? Because I’m falling for you over and over again
  14. Hey baby, if I supply the voltage and you some resistance, imagine the current we can make together
  15. Just like a blue supergiant star, you’re exceedingly hot and extremely bright
  16. Did you say your name is Sirius? Is that why you shine extremely bright?
  17.  Does your skin feel burnt? Not everyone can pull off such a smooth reentry after falling down from heaven
  18.  We must be subatomic particles because I feel a strong force between us
  19.  If you were an electromagnetic wave, you’d be the one with the right frequency
  20.  Are you a wormhole? Because you’ve created a shortcut to my heart

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Quantum physics pickup lines

Ever wondered how science and love collide in the most amusing ways? And this time, it’ll be through these quantum physics pickup lines. It’s a playful journey through the quantum realm, where the laws of attraction get a witty twist. Brace yourself for physics chat-up lines that can make someone cringe with amusement or smile with fondness. A good laugh and a new dimension of science pickup lines awaits.

Can we exchange fermions and create a bond that transcends subatomic particles?
  1. Are you a quantum entanglement? Because our connection is instantaneous and unbreakable
  2. Are you a large force? Because you’ve just accelerated my heart
  3. You must be the second law of thermodynamics, because you’re increasing the entropy in my heart
  4. Are you the potential energy in my life? Because you elevate my happiness
  5. Is this love a Newton’s law? Because it seems to be pulling us together
  6. If our relationship were an experiment, it would have a large force and a strong attraction
  7. Just saying. Your Centripetal Force has made me stay on the track of love
  8. Did you notice how your combined volume with mine created the perfect harmony?
  9. Do you feel the surface tension between us? Because it’s keeping us close yet excited
  10. Do you feel the strong force binding us together yet?
  11. Your thrust force is so strong that it’s propelling us toward each other
  12. Are you a black hole? Because you’ve pulled me into the event horizon of your love
  13. If you were a particle accelerator, you’d be the collision that creates sparks between us
  14. Tell me something, why do you remain suspended in my thoughts like an exceedingly hot air balloon?
  15. Are you into quantum mechanics? Because our connection seems to defy classical understanding
  16. If I were a Higgs boson particle, you’d be the field that gives meaning to my existence
  17. Can we exchange fermions and create a bond that transcends subatomic particles?
  18. Are we reaching our boiling point of passion, ready to erupt into an exothermic reaction?
  19. Let’s conduct group experiments and discover the perfect formula for love?
  20. Is it just disproportionate gravitational force or are your eyes just a Great Attractor?

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Astrophysics pickup lines

Let’s go on a cosmic adventure with our astrophysics pickup lines! No need for a telescope — You’ll just need your wit as you woo the cool nerd you’ve got your eyes on. A fun journey through the stars of romance, if you will. As you go through these magnetism pickup lines, you’ll see how science can become a playful companion in your quest for connection and lighthearted romance.

  1. If beauty were mass, you’d be the heaviest object in my universe
  2. Are you a magnetic monopole? Because you’ve just made my heart have a north-south alignment
  3. Were you born in an open cluster? Because you shine like a young star!
  4. You’ve been here for a short while, but my heart is beating really fast, and I can feel some surface tension between us
  5. Are you a centripetal force? Because you make my world go round
  6. According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, if I’m attracted to you, then you’re attracted to me
  7. Hey baby, wanna violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle with me?
  8. I’m attracted to you like the Earth is to the Sun; a large force inversely proportional to distance squared
  9. Do you want to join me on a space station of love, orbiting in the infinity of our emotions?
  10. Are you the Higgs boson? Because meeting you completes the fundamental puzzle of my heart
  11. Are we an ideal vacuum? Because there’s no resistance in the way we mutually attract each other
  12. This love can be the Big Bang that creates a brand new universe. Wanna give it a try?
  13. Are you made of hydrogen plasma? Because you’re the hot and luminous center of my universe
  14. Do you believe in quantum theory? Because our love seems to exist in multiple states simultaneously
  15. Are you a magnetic monopole? Because you’ve attracted my attention without repelling
  16. Do you feel that? Are we spinning in an angular momentum of affection?
  17. Do you see any error bars in our compatibility chart? Because I’m certain about us
  18. Are we floating in outer space, untethered by the gravity of societal norms?
  19. Does your skin feel burnt? Because our connection is generating a significant amount of heat
  20.  Are you a universal gravitation constant? Because your force keeps drawing me closer

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Physics pickup lines dirty

Remember, folks. Some of the greatest magnetism pickup lines sound the cheesiest. But for now, let’s dive into the cheekier side of romance. Are physics pickup lines dirty too? — You might ask like my friend. Oh, you’ve no idea what’s coming your way. Imagine playful and mischievous quips that add spice to your love equation. Science meets a saucy sense of humor in this section. Get ready to forge a naughty connection as we make physics pickup lines dirty and fun!

  1. Can I be your derivative? Because I want to lie tangent to your curves
  2. Stop orbiting in my thoughts and let’s collide into a universe of our own
  3. Not even Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin can measure how hot you are!
  4. That dress would look even better accelerating toward my bedroom floor at 9.8 m/s2
  5. Forget about quantum mechanics! Let’s go somewhere private, and I promise I won’t Bohr you
  6. You are spreading your hotness everywhere like an exothermic reaction
  7. Come to me when you’re ready for the Big Bang
  8. Hey baby, are you the Earth? Because all things are attracted to you
  9. Wanna meet up so I can excite your natural frequency?
  10. Wanna dance? I can really put your inertia in motion
  11. Baby, you’ve definitely got some potential energy. My place would be a great place to convert it to kinetic
  12. I might be a physics major, but I’m no Bohr in bed
  13. As per the second law of thermodynamics, you should share your hotness with me
  14. Wanna dance for madness, like Einstein expects us to?
  15. Is your empty valence shell ready to be filled with the electrons of my love?
  16. Let’s balance equations tonight, and find the perfect chemistry between us
  17. I want to drink magnetic moments with you. Does tonight work or should we meet tomorrow?
  18. I think there’s too much electricity flowing between us. Because our physical connection jolted me to reality
  19. Is your melting point high enough to withstand the heat of our passionate connection?
  20.  Lie tangent to my heart, my love, and we’ll find the curve of our affection
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Cheesy physics pickup jokes

Our collection of cheesy physics jokes will make you go “awww.” Imagine adorable and clever lines that bring a smile to your crush’s face. It’s like a sweet dance through the universe, where nerd talk meets heart-fluttering moments. Let’s sprinkle some wit and a whole lot of charm in your physics chat-up lines!

Related Reading: 121 Flirty Jokes To Make Your Crush Blush

  1. If beauty were distance squared, you’d be the most captivating object in the universe
  2. Are we at our natural frequency together? Because our connection feels just right
  3. If you were a fundamental force, you’d be the one that binds my universe together
  4. Are you the fifth fundamental force? Because meeting you has been like the discovery of something extraordinary
  5. If our love were an experiment, it would have the perfect spring constant
  6. Is your gravitational pull so strong, or am I just pulled toward you irresistibly?
  7. Wanna dance? We can be like two bodies in motion, governed by the laws of physics
  8. Is this a large force acting upon us, or is it just our natural chemistry?
  9. You’re such a perfect arrangement that even atoms envy our connection
  10. Do you want to take part in group experiments to help me come up with more physics chat-up lines for you? I really need your input
  11. Are you a physics pickup line? Because you’ve certainly ‘picked’ my interest
  12. If you were a time dilation, our moments together would last forever
  13. Our connection is like a carbon sample. Rare, precious, and worth exploring
  14. Are you a young star? Because our connection is full of vibrant energy
  15. I thought it’s a shooting star. But no, it was just your reentry into my thoughts
  16. Can we stop orbiting around each other and become the center of each other’s universe?
  17. Do you feel our love constantly expanding like the universe itself?
  18. Is our connection like litmus paper, revealing the true chemistry between us?
  19. According to the multiverse theory, there’s at least one universe where we end up together. Do you want this universe to be one of them?
  20. What’s your favorite attractive force? Come on, make my day. Say it’s me

In the grand tapestry of life, where stories intertwine and laughter reverberates, these science pickup lines are a playful reminder that sometimes, the art of a starting conversation can be rooted in deep knowledge. Just make sure you keep your delivery spot-on and enjoy the conversation these nerdy physics pickup lines bring about!

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Top Legal Tactics for Alimony Disputes Between Parents

Parental alimony cases can be emotionally and legally complicated, requiring prudent handling. Parents who prioritize the interests of their children can effectively resolve alimony issues by being aware of the legal approaches and strategies available. In this article, we examine the best legal strategy for addressing parent-to-parent alimony issues, offering insightful analysis and practical advice on how to settle these conflicts.

Understanding Alimony Disputes Between Parents

One spouse can resume supporting the other financially after a divorce or breakup by settling alimony. In child-related issues, alimony disagreements can confuse custody and child support agreements, further complicating the legal process. That’s why partners who share children should know about their legal options, rights, and duties vis-a-vis alimony. 

This can go a long way in empowering them to defend their interests, deal with honest agreements that prioritize everyone’s financial protection and well-being, and guide the complexity of alimony disputes. This in-depth knowledge can promote more friendly mediation of alimony conflicts and encourage a collaborative atmosphere that is valuable in achieving win-win agreements.

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Legal Strategies and Tactics To Tackle Alimony Disputes Between Parents 

The dissolution of a marriage can be a harrowing experience for the children involved. The situation can become that much more complicated if the proceedings get tangled and hold up alimony disputes. Awareness is the best antidote to this legal mess. If you’re considering separating from your spouse, the following legal strategies and tactics to tackle alimony disputes will hold you in good stead:

1. Documentation and evidence

Accurate documentation collection and maintenance are crucial in cases involving alimony disputes. Maintain thorough records of your earnings, outlay, correspondence with the opposing party, and any pertinent financial data. During negotiations or legal processes, you can use these documents as proof to bolster your position and back up your assertions. 

Keeping organized and easily accessible records will not only help you present a clear financial picture but also demonstrate your diligence and transparency to the court. Additionally, having detailed documentation can expedite the resolution process, potentially reducing legal fees and court time. 

Don’t forget smaller pieces of proof like tickets, invoices, or documented agreements, as they can collectively make a notable effect on the case. Conferring with your lawyer on the most useful papers can further support your position and confirm you are fully prepared for any legal proceedings.

2. Negotiation tactics

Practical negotiation skills are vital to achieving peaceful solutions in alimony arguments. Method negotiations with a collaborative attitude, focus on problems rather than emotions and be ready to compromise where required. Seeking the assistance of a skilled mediator or child support lawyer can facilitate productive discussions and help parents find mutually agreeable solutions.

A child support attorney at Lawrina can offer you expert advice. These attorneys, who focus only on family law cases, are a great resource for negotiating strategies, comprehending legal complexities, and fighting for what’s best for all sides. By employing the skills of mediators and legal experts, parents can promote candid communication, seek out creative solutions, and strive toward settling alimony disputes in a positive and cooperative way. This will ultimately promote long-term stability and harmony within the family unit. 

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3. Legal representation and support

It is important to get a legal advisor for alimony arguments to guarantee that your rights are well-safeguarded and preserved. An experienced family law attorney with expertise in alimony and child support matters can provide strong legal counsel, recommendations, and effective advocacy throughout the dispute resolution process. You can reasonably understand the complexities of family law, including state-specific laws that can affect your case, by consulting with an expert divorce lawyer. 

Additionally, they can assist with the drafting of legal documents, gathering relevant evidence, and skillfully representing you in court or mediation sessions. Successfully handling alimony cases may allow attorneys to offer a strategic understanding that others who are not versed in the subtleties of the law might overlook. 

Having legal representation can decrease the emotional pressure associated with alimony disputes, permitting you to focus on your personal well-being and future plans. Last but not least, a skilled attorney can advise you about possible results, helping you to set expectations and make well-informed decisions.

4. Financial considerations and asset division

Navigating financial concerns and asset allocation is an essential aspect of alimony disputes. Understanding the economic effects of alternative alimony agreements, income assessments, and asset allocation is necessary to achieve just and equitable outcomes. To guarantee transparent asset division in compliance with legal requirements and to appropriately evaluate financial disclosures, consult legal and financial experts. 

Hiring a forensic accountant can be very helpful in locating hidden assets or properties that are undervalued, resulting in an equitable distribution. The tax ramifications of different alimony arrangements should also be taken into account because they might have a big impact on both spouses’ financial situation. 

You may maintain long-term stability by adjusting your financial plan and doing regular evaluations of your finances to assist you adjust to changing conditions. Additionally essential to a just and balanced arrangement is making sure that all asset valuations are current and accurate representations of the state of the market.

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5. Court proceedings and alternative resolution

If an understanding cannot be achieved through talks, alimony disputes may need to be resolved in court. You must comprehend the court’s regulations, the legal system, and your possibilities for relief to properly present your case in court. To promote cooperation, productive dialogue, and agreements outside of court, think about putting alternative dispute resolution processes like arbitration or mediation into place. These techniques can lessen the financial and emotional burden on both parties by being less confrontational and more economical.

Particularly through divorce mediation, more adaptable and imaginative solutions that are customized to the particulars of your case are possible. In contrast, binding decisions in arbitration are made by an impartial third party using the evidence that is given. Being receptive to these options can frequently quicken the divorce settlement process and result in a more cordial relationship afterward. In the event that court proceedings are required, make sure you are well-prepared and have access to any relevant documentation and expert testimony.

Parental alimony cases need to be handled strategically, with an emphasis on teamwork, positive communication, and legal knowledge. By implementing these best practices and speaking with competent legal professionals, parents can effectively manage alimony issues, protect their rights and interests, and put their children’s well-being first at trying times.

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100 Best Wedding Hashtag Ideas To Take Inspiration From

Wedding bells ringing soon? Capture every laugh, twirl, and cake-splattering moment with our wedding hashtag ideas! Imagine your big day exploding online: Friends tagging themselves in hilarious cake-feeding selfies and romantic first dance moves. Every candid picture, every joy, shared with so many more people — all thanks to your great idea of a wedding hashtag.

A wedding hashtag is a fun way to create excitement around your big day, both online and offline. It helps organize and personalize your wedding photos. Years down the line, searching this hashtag will instantly transport you back to that special day, the laughter, the tears, and the pure joy of being surrounded by your loved ones.

So, whether you are looking for unique wedding hashtag ideas or some witty wedding hashtags to impress your loved ones, we’ve got you covered. Check out our 100 best personalized wedding hashtags and find the one that is made just for your engagement day. Let’s make your wedding the most talked-about event in the city!

How To Create A Catchy Wedding Hashtag

So, your “I dos” are just around the corner, and you’re knee-deep in wedding planning. From picking the perfect dress to deciding between buttercream or fondant, there’s a million things to tick off your list. But hey, don’t forget — You need to pick some phrases for wedding hashtags to make the happy news spread like fire. After all, it is one of the most special days of your entire life.

Getting married in December? Then Christmas wedding hashtags can help you infuse wholesome vibes to the beloved season. Or maybe you’d want to go with a selection of Halloween wedding hashtags to make ‘em laugh or … fear you? As you can see by now, a personalized wedding hashtag is just what you need and here is how you can create one:

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1. Brainstorm by asking questions

Keep thinking of questions and answer them. Take the help of your entire wedding gang: What makes your wedding unique? What are some inside jokes, common interests or passions, or details that define your relationship? Start throwing ideas around. Bonus points for using a whiteboard or funky sticky notes — Great hashtags for weddings are all about the vibes!

2. Use a little wordplay

“I want cute hashtags for wedding day. And I need them by tomorrow!” declared a friend two years ago as she set us to work. “I don’t want to hold back at all. I want drama, I want emotions.”

I’ve learnt since then that while creating hashtags for wedding couples, especially someone as demanding as my friend, one should go for puns and rhymes. Get cheesy, get punny, just make sure it fits your style. You can also go with catchy alliterations like “MrAndMrsMillerMakeItOfficial.” Acronyms and abbreviations are great too. Brainstorming is key when it comes to choosing wedding hashtags for Instagram.

3. Keep it short and sweet

Phrases for wedding hashtags should be 3–5 words long, easy to spell, and pronounceable. The goal is to make it easier for people to remember and spread the buzz. And, of course, add a personal touch that reflects your love story.

Before you set your heart on a few unique wedding hashtags, do a quick social media search to see if they’ve already been taken. Your personalized hashtag is a way to celebrate your love, share your joy, and create lasting memories with the people who matter most. Happy wedding planning!

Keep your hashtag short and cute so people start catching on faster

Should Use a Wedding Hashtag Generator

Now, coming up with witty wedding hashtags for your big day can be just as tricky as writing your wedding vows. That is exactly what a wedding hashtag generator is for. Something as small as a hashtag can make a big impact and you need to find the perfect one for your event.

Want something sweet and romantic? No problem. Maybe you are looking for something funny with puns? You got it.

Here are some awesome online tools you can use to generate wedding hashtags for Instagram, especially if you are planning a themed wedding. These tools can instantly generate what you need: Christmas wedding hashtags that make your family go “awww” to horror-themed Halloween wedding hashtags that make your friends laugh.

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1. Wedding Hashers

They have a team of professional writers to craft personalized and witty hashtags for weddings. This service is fee-based, and it typically takes one business day for them to create wedding hashtags and for you to receive the results.

2. Shutterfly

Shutterfly provides a quick and easy-to-use free wedding hashtag service. Simply input your wedding details, and the website generates a great idea tailored to you and your partner’s preferences. You can also check if your desired hashtag has already been claimed by another couple. If you are getting married in February, leap year wedding hashtags can overlap with each other, for example, due to the rarity of the day. So, be careful.

3. Happily Ever Hashtagged

Despite being a paid service, it enjoys high popularity, leading to a waitlist for couples interested in a wide selection of cute hashtags for weddings. The appeal lies in their commitment to personal touch and unique wedding hashtag ideas, setting them apart from online generators.

4. EWedding

For more people leaning toward a free service, eWedding is a convenient option for themed wedding hashtags. With minimal information required, this website promptly supplies you with numerous hashtag ideas tailored to your preferences.

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5. WeddingWire

WeddingWire, another free service, is both simple and fast to use. While its wedding hashtag examples may not be as customized as paid options, it provides a diverse range of excellent and catchy wedding hashtags for you to choose from.

Generating your own personalized hashtag with a free online tool can be a great idea. It’s a simple way to add a fun, personal touch to your big day. Remember, your friends and family will be using it to engage with each other on social media, capturing all those candid moments from the ceremony to the dance floor. This is why hiring a professional is always a better choice. Plus, they’ll handle the pesky task of ensuring your catchy wedding hashtags are truly available on the big day.

100 Best Wedding Hashtag Ideas

With your big day close by, it’s time to start brainstorming and create cute wedding hashtags and catchy wedding captions for your Instagram to capture all the love and wedding details in a single hashtag.

Here is a list of our 100 hashtag ideas to make weddings shine online! Feel free to get inspired, replace the hashtags with your and your partner’s initials, and personalize them in every other way. Remember, the best phrases are personal, fun, and easy to remember. Check out these versatile wedding hashtag ideas:

Cute hashtags for newlyweds

Wedding hashtags are all about embracing the sweetness and warmth of your love. They’re perfect for couples who want to showcase their affection in a heartwarming and adorable way. Let’s tell the world your love story in just a few words. Check out these wedding hashtag examples:

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  • #EverAndAlwaysA&D
  • #A&DHappilyEverAftering
  • #mADlyInLove
  • #ADorableTogether
  • #TheMillersAreBetterTogether
  • #OurFairytaleStartsNow
  • #HeadOverHeelsForTheHendersons
  • #ForeverYoungWithTheYoungs
  • #PizzaLoversForever
  • #TwoScoopsOfLove
  • #HappilyEverKelly
  • #CantStopTheFeeling
  • #TwoPeasInAPodd
  • #LoveYouToTheMooneAndBack
unique wedding hashtag ideas

Funny hashtags for the wedding joy

If you and your partner share a playful sense of humor, then these funny wedding hashtags are for you. They bring a touch of laughter and lightheartedness to the celebration, showing the world that you know how to have fun and don’t take yourselves too seriously. Keeping all of that in mind, you can create wedding hashtags like these:

  • #TheBattleOfMrAndMrsGomes
  • #ItOnlyTookSevenYears
  • #HitchedAndDitchedTheSingleLife
  • #DrunkInLoveAndChampagne
  • #GaryPutARingOnIt
  • #KnotSoSingleTheMoores
  • #OfficiallyOffTheMarket
  • #StewartsSquared
  • #ReedingDownTheAisle
  • #LoveLockeDown
  • #BrooksNoLookingBack
  • #HappilyEverHarpers
  • #HereComeTheMorgans
  • #ForTheLoveOfSelfies

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Personalized hashtags for the married couple

These hashtags are tailor-made to reflect your unique love story. They often incorporate your names, special days, or inside jokes that only you and your closest friends and family will understand. These wedding tags for Instagram are a way to make your partner feel truly special on your big day.

  • #KrisSaidYes
  • #GreensTieTheKnot
  • #RoyWedsMary
  • #Jeff&CarolGetMarried
  • #TheSmithsGetHitched
  • #AnnouncingMrAndMrsDavis
  • #OurBookOfLoveChapterOne
  • #ThePerezsSayIDo
  • #MrAndMrsMillerMakeItOfficial
  • #ForeverAndAlwaysAnderson
  • #HitchedWithHopeTheHopes
  • #MrAndMrsMorganMadeItOfficial
  • #LoveLaughterLancasters
  • #JourneyToJames
  • #FromMissToMrs
  • #BettyAndKarlSealTheDeal
  • #KatysMatchMadeInJohn
  • #HereComesTheLees
  • #AnIslandLoveStory
  • #SheFoundMrMiller
  • #SoulmatesForeverAndEver
  • #ThompsonWedding2024
  • #DavisTyingTheKnot
  • #WhereForeverBegins

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Unique hashtags for the lovebirds

These wedding hashtag examples are the trailblazers, the ones that stand out from the crowd and make a statement. You can incorporate pop culture references or choose a theme that’s close to your hearts.

So, make your love for the series Young Royals a permanent fact online or talk about how a common crush brought you together. It’s your story. In your words. Let’s showcase your creativity and individuality with this great selection of trending wedding hashtags:


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This is just the beginning of trending wedding hashtags! Let your love story inspire your choice, and watch your friends mark their laughter and memories with the cute wedding hashtags you create.

P.S. Don’t be afraid to get silly with inside jokes while creating funny wedding hashtags, and don’t hesitate to incorporate common interests. They add a unique touch to your ‘save the dates’ and make your wedding planning process even more special.

Marriage Stories

Why Do You Need A Wedding Hashtag?

Your dress is ready, picked up a chic, modern wedding suit for your guy, the cake has been finalized, but there’s a detail that you completely overlooked or rather did not pay attention to at all: You forgot to create wedding hashtags. Sure, it might seem like a frivolous thing compared to the wedding venue but trust me, a creative wedding hashtag is going to make your memories even more perfect.

We all crave connection. Social media thrives on that. And this is exactly why a moving or a funny wedding hashtag is the perfect way to capture the magic of your big day. It’s about creating a shared experience.

Here are three reasons that you need wedding tags for Instagram and other social media platforms:

From strangers to family

This day is all about celebrating with loved ones. And a wedding hashtag can bridge the gap between both sets of families. Sharing photos and experiences under common yet unique wedding hashtags creates a sense of community and encourages conversation

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Memories that last a lifetime

Wedding photos are wonderful, but the best wedding hashtags capture the essence of your day. Years later, you can revisit those funny social media posts and relive the joy, laughter, and heartfelt moments in a way static photos just can’t replicate

Breaking the ice

Weddings can sometimes feel a bit formal, especially for those who are less familiar with each other on the guest list. A fun and lighthearted hashtag can be a conversation starter, helping guests mingle and create new connections

Bonus Tip: Feeling extra fancy? Print your wedding tags for Instagram on cocktail napkins or tissue papers

Key Pointers

  • Great hashtags for weddings can keep the weddings alive in the online world, spark excitement, and help guests relive the magic even after the day is over
  • Tell your love story in a few words with a unique hashtag that reflects your inside jokes, passions, or moving details. This connects you and your guests through shared memories
  • Innocent flirty texts for him, risky texts to send him and witty text messages to send to a guy can be great ways to let someone know you like them
  • Consider free online generators for inspiration, but remember that a professional touch can create truly unforgettable and unique hashtags for wedding couples

Inspiration and ideas can come from the most unexpected places. Depending on the festivity and the wedding season, you can come up with anything — from Christmas wedding hashtags to the once-in-a-four-year phenomenon of leap year wedding hashtags. Any day-to-day activity can help you come up with the perfect hashtag for your big day. It could be that unforgettable first kiss, a quirky habit that defines your relationship, a favorite song lyric, or even the name of your favorite place. So, grab your partner, pop the cork, and start brainstorming! 

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